41 Business Trip

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Part 41 Business Trip


Khushi was thinking about what Arnav said. Why did he say, she should not take risks? What would be the reason for him to say it all of a sudden? More than that, why should she take risks? She didn't know. But, Arnav was in the other state. He was not like Khushi. He knew what to do and why to do it.

Arnav came to Anjali's room. She was arranging her cupboard and Shyam was helping her.


Anjali and Shyam looked at him, turning behind. Arnav smiled.

"Arrey, Sale Sahib... why are you standing there? Get in" Shyam said.

"Chotte... come in" Anjali called him.

Arnav got in.

"I want to have a few words with you, Di"

"Rani Sahiba, I will do it... you go" Shyam said.

Shyam continued arranging things, whereas Anjali came to Arnav. He made her sit on the bed and he sat with her.

"Tell me, Chotte..."

"I'm going to go to London coming week"

"Yeah, I know..."

"Please take care of Khushi. She doesn't know about my trip and all. She is very new to our family. Make her comfortable. Keep an EYE on her" he said keeping an EYE on Shyam who stopped his work and looked at Arnav.

"Keep an eye? What do you mean?" Anjali frowned.

"She is childish, Di... I don't want her to get into any problem"

Anjali smiled.

"I will take care of her. Don't bother about her"

"I know di...I trust you but I can't expect the same from everyone"

"Khushiji is my responsibility. Ok?"

"Thank you, Di"

"It seems Sale Sahib is so worried about his wife..." Shyam got into their conversation.

"Every husband would be... are not you?" Asked Arnav.

"Of course, I will...! We are here, right? We will take care of Khushiji"

"That's what bothering me," Arnav said without thinking.

Anjali and Shyam were stuck.

"I mean you just take care of my Di... she will take care of my wife"

Anjali looked at Shyam frowning.

"Why are you saying so, Sale Sahib? Don't I have a responsibility to take care of Khushiji?"

"No...it's my responsibility. I won't share it with anyone...especially with you... Only my Di has the rights"

Anjali looked at Shyam who was disappointed.

"Ok, di... let's have dinner"

"You go... I will come"


Anjali nodded wearing an artificial smile on her face. Arnav left. Anjali looked at Shyam.

"Why is Sale Sahib talking to me like this, Rani Sahiba? Doesn't he know he is hurting me?"

Anjali was silent.

"I heard men change after their wedding but I didn't expect your brother would be the one..."

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