26 Poisonous Snake

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Part 26 Poisonous Snake

Wedding day

Arnav didn't know why his heart was restless. From the time he woke up in the morning, he didn't know why his heart was not peaceful. It was Akash and Payal's wedding day. He should have been happy. Instead, he was restless. His GUT INSTINCT said something was going to happen. He got alert. Whatever the situation would be, he had to be alert and face it.

Today, Khushi was going to come to RM for her sister's wedding. After the wedding, she would not have a chance to visit RM. The thought that Khushi wouldn't come to RM pricked his heart. He felt a sudden vacuum as if he lost everything. She would come to RM today. He should not miss the chance by being disturbed. He wanted to make up himself but she would come only in the evening. He had to be waiting for her till then. The time seemed halted.

Dressing up dashingly, Arnav came downstairs. He looked fetching in the white shirt with a black coat. He saw Anjali having a big plate in her hand in which Payal's wedding lehanga was being kept.

"We have to give it to Payal," Anjali said.

Arnav's face brightened. He got a chance to see Khushi. He could meet her if he went to GH. Why would he miss the chance? He got ready to say, I WILL GO, but NK was faster than him and said that. He was about to take the plate in his arms, but Arnav overtook him.

"I'm going..." he said rigidly.

"Ok..." NK shrugged his shoulders, whereas Anjali and Nani smiled at each other.

It was not hard for Shyam to guess why Arnav was going to GH. Shyam wanted to fasten his action. If Arnav proposed to Khushi, she would definitely accept his proposal. Who would ignore a wealthy businessman?

Arnav came to GH to meet Khushi. He handed Payal's wedding lehanga to Garima. His eyes searched for an important person for whom he came to GH and got to know she was looking after the lunch preparation in the backyard. He walked towards the backyard without thinking and saw her rushing here and there commanding the workers. The restlessness he had in his heart fled away after seeing Khushi.

Arnav wondered when she stopped at the same point and searched here and there. He smiled, knowing that she felt his presence. She saw him and a soft smile crept on her face. She even forgot that she had to serve food for their relatives and friends. When she remembered it, Arnav was ready to help her which made Khushi dumbfounded. Arnav Singh Raizada was ready to help her in serving food! She could not believe it! But... that was what Arnav was! He might be mighty! But when it came to his LOVED ONES, he would do anything to make them happy. That was a kind of HINT he gave to Khushi, that HE WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR HER, without EGO, without any DIFFERENCE!

Khushi even forgot to THANK him for his unpredictable simple behavior.

"Thank me in the evening," he said teasingly and left.

Then only Khushi realized that she didn't thank him. How could she be in her sense when Arnav Singh Raizada was doing something senselessly?


Arnav was ready not only to welcome Khushi but also to open up his heart to Khushi. He didn't want to delay it. He knew she loved him like anything. So, there was no space for second thoughts. After she accepted his proposal, he would talk to Anjali and Nani about fixing their wedding immediately. He didn't think he could stay away from her anymore.

He saw Anjali going somewhere.

"Di, where are you going?"

"To the temple... to bring holy water"

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