56 Khushi and NK

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Part 56 Khushi and NK again

In the meanwhile

Shyam entered the room hesitatingly to face Anjali. She looked at him with a dangerous gaze.

"Rani Sahiba..."

She stopped him showing her palm.

"You don't have to say anything. I'm not going to listen to you"

"Don't you trust me, Rani Sahiba?"

"How could I trust you? All the witness was against you yet I brought you back. This is the first time I decided something over Chotte but don't seem to mind it"

"No, Rani Sahiba, I will be grateful for your trust. I don't want Sale Sahib to be cheated. That's why I told Dadiji about Garima Aunty" he as usual tried to fool her.

"What were you doing in Laxmi Nagar when Dadi went there?"

"I went to meet my client. He is a poor man who struggles to fill his stomach. I'm helping him to get his pension"

"Oh... who is he? What's his name? Give me his phone number"

Shyam was stuck. Of course, he didn't expect her to be sharp.

"Rani Sahiba..."

Cutting him,

"Don't ask if I trust you... it doesn't matter if I trust you. No one trusts you in this family. they look at you like a criminal. Do you know how it feels? I feel insulted... ashamed..." she panted hard.

"If you don't trust me, I will take you to Laxmi Nagar and get you introduced to the man"

"No need... give his phone number... it's enough"

Shyam sighed and took his phone out. He read the number. Anjali saved it on her mobile and dialed him immediately. Shyam smirked. He went to Laxmi Nagar following Dadi only. Though he didn't go to Laxmi Nagar to meet anyone, he was truly dealing with someone in Laxmi Nagar.

The call was attended.


"Who is speaking?"

"I'm Mrs. Shyam Jha. Did my husband come to Laxmi Nagar?"

"No, madam. He didn't come here today. Actually, I'm thinking about meeting him. Did he say he would come here?"

"Yes, his phone is out of coverage area. That's why I called you"

"Oh, I will tell him if he comes here, Madam"

"Ok, thank you" Anjali disconnected the call.

"Do you trust me now?" Shyam asked making a miserable face.

Anjali left the room and said nothing. Shyam folded his hands and raised his brows.


Khushi stayed in the hug, closing her eyes. Arnav kissed Khushi's hair, tightening the hug. Khushi opened her eyes and became sensible. She tried to break the hug but Arnav tightened it more. Khushi became embarrassed and asked,

"Arnavji, shall I bring you something?"

"Why? Don't you want to be in my arms?"



"No no... I didn't mean it..."

"Then stay..." He buried his face on her shoulder.

Khushi smiled.



"Do you remember?"

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