Chapter 2

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Minho had always pictured Jisung as a quiet kid. A shy little boy too cute for this world.

Guess he was really wrong about that.

"BRO I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID THAT ON NATIONAL TV" Jisung yelled loudly through the entire living room, laughing loudly afterwards, followed by the laughs of most of the persons there.

Well, it didn't change anything to his little crush. If it did, it only made him fall more for the younger.

Minho also chuckled along, still in deep amazement to be invited to their dorms.

"Han just can't stand on his own two feet" Changbin complained

"Hey!" Jisung retorqued "I'm not THAT clumsy" He defended

"You broke an ankle while slipping on nothing" Chan stated

"You set the kitchen on fire while making icecream" Changbin deadpanned

"You posted a song on spotify instead of sending it to me" Chan rolled his eyes

"Oh, I loved Volcano" Minho blurted out, as the three boys suddenly turned to him.

He felt ashamed as his friends and his idols were now staring at him, and he blinked repeatdly.

"You actually listen to us ?" Jisung asked, actually proud

"Well... yeah" He shrugged

"I thought you said that to please us" He chuckled

"Like you don't have enough praises in your lives" Minho responded, raising an eyebrow

"I mean, yeah" He shrugged "But still, it's still a bit surprising. I didn't picture you listening to us"

"What did you picture me listening to, then ?" Minho asked, genuinely curious

"Mmh" He thought for a moment "Like ballads, or sexy musics" Jisung said with a giggle

"Sexy musics ?" Minho asked while holding a laugh, raising an eyebrow at that.

"I mean!! You're a dancer, and a known one at that. You must be throwing your hips around on stage" Jisung defended, slightly shy from his comment

"First of all, I'm not that known" He chuckled "And second of all, I do that, actually" He admitted, scratching the back of his head.

"You're known among people of the industry" He smiled "And damn, I was right then. Do you actually listen to sexy songs ?" 

"Depends on the context, I guess" Minho responded, thinking a bit

"HUH?!" Jisung blushed slightly

"OH, not on that context!" He defended, raising his hands in surrender "Like depends of my mood for dances"

"Ooh, alright" He chuckled at the misunderstandment "So you have moods ?" He asked curiously.

Damn, seeing Jisung that interested in him made a few goosebumps grow on his skin.

 "Yeah. Dancing as an art becomes the extension of your own self, so you found yourself trying to match your current mood and your feelings to whatever you want to dance on. Creating a dance is just the continuity of whatever you can vocalize as you feel things" Minho rambled

He saw how Jisung's smiled got more and more genuine.

"I relate to that completely. Not on dance, obviously, but in music production definetly" He nodded along.

"I noticed" Minho said, getting slightly lost in Jisung's passionated eyes "Your songs always somehow express a specific something, that's how we can see how much you love music. I figured you usually let the words match your way of thinking" He rambled again, and stopped himself "Um... I mean, I think so ? It's not like... we actually do know each other" He chuckled awkwardly.

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