Chapter 30

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"How did it feel ?" Jisung asked, staring at the older.

"What ?" Minho asked back

"The breakup" He stated softly "What did you feel at the moment ?"

Both of the boys had drunk a little bit too much (way too much) and had engaged themselves in a long and deep conversation, almost uncoherent, as they sat on the floor of the kitchen, right in front of each other.

They knew that the others had already left, or were sleeping soundly on the couch, but the two ended up thinking the cold floor of the kitchen was more comfy for their little deep talk.

"When you told me it was for real I wanted to laugh" Minho admitted with a dry chuckle "And like, I needed a few days to realize it was the truth"

"Yeah ! I get it, it's like a time bomb" Jisung exclaimed

"Exactly" Minho nodded, eyes halfway closed "But I did sob hard when you left the room"

"Aw" Jisung pouted "I did too, like a fucking child"

"Yeah... Just like in Hwa's bed" Minho giggled to himself

"Wait, what ?" Jisung frowned, but still smiled

"Bro I cried so hard, you and your Sunghoon had wrecked me" He confessed

Jisung exploded in laughter.

"You didn't fuck him because you were crying ??" He asked in shock, still mocking him.

"Don't mock me, you cry in bed too" Minho snickered

"I cry from pleasure, not because I'm a mess" Jisung defended, his foot lightly nudging Minho's as a revenge.

"True, my bad" Minho smiled back, foot nudging him as well.

"Damn I'm so drunk" Jisung sighed, head ending up falling to the floor as well.

"Same" He responded "If I was strong enough, I would have brought you to bed, but I guess I'm not" 

"Ooh, you nasty" Jisung teased, foot still playing with Minho's "Wanna bring me to bed ?"

"You talk like a virgin" Minho cackled "Bring you to comfort, not to my dick, you fucker"

"I'm no virgin" Jisung defended

"I do know that rather well" Minho chuckled

"I'm just horny" Jisung admitted with a giggle

"When's the last time you fucked?" Minho asked, head now laying on the floor as well

"Take a guess" Jisung responded, too drunk to be shy.

"In the month ?"

"Def not"

"Like 5 months ?"


"A year ?!"


Minho gasped

"I'm your last fuck ?!"

"Yes" Jisung snickered at his reaction, eyes big.

"Damn" He blinked "How ?"

"I was too depressed to have sex" Jisung admitted, joking over his own misery.

"I get it" Minho nodded "I was too depressed to not have sex"

"When's the last time?" Jisung asked back.

"Last time was in Japan" He admitted

"Why not here ?"

"Korean boys just make me think of you and my dick can't act on it" He sighed, chuckling after at how he could admit that

"The thought of me makes you soften ? I've never been so offended" He pouted

"Nooo" Minho hit him with his other foot "It makes me sad, so it softens" 

"So you have erection problems ?" Jisung taunted, a huge smirk dancing on his lips

"Shut up" Minho whined, under Jisung's loud laugh.

"How was Japan ?" Jisung asked, laying his head on his own arm as he looked at Minho.

"So nice..." He said with a dreamy look "It's not really the experience there that really marked me, but more like, I could see myself free and healing throughout the days, you see ?" He asked, turning to Jisung and continued when he nodded "No medias, no rootless articles based on lies, no flashes wherever I go just ... peace"

"That really does sound dreamy" Jisung smiled sadly

"Oh right" Minho smiled back "You do understand that, sometimes I forget you're famous"

"No, like... I am famous, but I never went through what you did" He insisted "I only have the perks. It gets annoying, but never to the extent you went through"

"I spent entire days scrolling on my phone, learning things about myself I didn't know" He chuckled

"You should have busied yourself" Jisung adviced

"Well, my boyfriend had broken up and I was unemployed" Minho snickered, not trying to hurt him, just playing around.

"Right" Jisung chuckled along "They were so obsessed with you, it hurt to watch"

"Yeah..." He sighed "But, wait, you got beaten up ?!" He raised his head "You dropped that and I just realized"

"Ah... funny story" He sighed "After we came out, homophobic got ... agressive towards us. When I was alone, someone would grab me and beat the shit out of me" He chuckled dryly" I got my nose broken and all"

"It's awful" Minho frowned, truly hating what he was hearing.


"I'm sorry you had to go through that" Minho softly said, hand sliding on the floor to approach Jisung.

"I'm sorry you suffered so much" Jisung softly responded, hand sliding on the floor to join Minho's.

"Want to know something ?" Minho asked with a smile


"I wanted to cut any contact with Korea, but I couldn't, I spent my time watching your stories and tiktoks. I liked to know what you were up to"

Jisung smiled so brightly.

"I wished to hear about you too" His smile suddenly faded "I was so scared of... what you could do" He gulped.

"I know..." He sighed "And don't feel too guilty about what happened" Minho reassured

"In all honesty, I feel like it's entirely my fault"

"It's not" Minho refused "It's JYPE's fault, the medias fault, you just happened to be a reason under the weight, but it doesn't mean it's your fault" 

"Alright, I'll keep that in mind" Jisung smiled softly, eyes closing more and more.

Just like that, they fell asleep. 

Both laying on the cold tiles, knowing they'll wake up with a sore back and maybe a cold, bodies distancing from each other.

But it felt warm. Their hearts were, their feet touching each other were, and their hands laced together were as well.

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