Chapter 16

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Getting back to work was somehow liberating.

Dancing was his salvation, and he drown himself in work to make himself feel so sort of happiness a bit more.

Maybe not that time he saw Jisung waiting in front of the elevator he wanted to take, finally deciding to take the stairs for 4 levels just to make sure he won't have to live the awkward tension.

Soon after, he regretted, thinking he perhaps could have the chance to have a talk, or at least a glance from Jisung. At this point, he wanted anything from him.

He was yearning for him, longing so much the tip of his fingers hurt from the lost touch of his soft skin.

He felt obsessed pining at someone who had been always out of touch, and still is, forever will.

He was so damn mad at himself. He had been with the younger for only 3 month, why was his soul hurting so much ?

They had clicked so much. As if the starts had aligned themselves to shine brightly on their love, show them the path of truthful love and put the spotlight on them.

But no, no lights were on Minho anymore. No lights were enlightening his insides, and no lights where sining in his eyes. He was more and more falling in the darkness of his broken soul, wondering why the hell he had to go through that.

At this point, he spent his entire days at the company.

He'll get to work at 7, to make sure he wouldn't pass through the crowded entrance of the building from the medias hunting him, and also to be sure he wouldn't cross Jisung's path.

He would eat lunch at 11, knowing well Jisung eat around 12 or 13.

He would take a little nap right after, deep inside his practice room, before getting into 3 to 4 classes with idols and trainees. 

When his day was over, he would run over a few choreographies and create some new ones, spending then more time in his practice room.

Around midnight, he would go back home. At this hour, he had more chances of crossing Jisung's path, but at least the crowd of stalkers at reduced to 5 to 7 people, which was way more bearable.

This went on and on, and after two weeks, Minho was exhausted, zombie looking and hardly standing.

At the sore sight, Hyunjin yelled at him once.

"We're eating out later" Hyunjin ordered, crossing his arms.

Minho huffed, standing dazedly from the couch.

"Don't you have a specific group to monitor the dance ?" Minho groaned.

"I do, I'll get going after you agree eating with me" Hyunjin insisted "Felix is busy tonight"

"No, thanks" He rolled his eyes "I don't need to be around you on Mondays, after you spent two hours with Jisung, I'm sure I'll smell his perfume out of you and it already annoys me"

"It's not an option, I'll knock at the door at 7 sharp" Hyunjin continued firmly

"Hyun, I love you a lot, and I really want to spare you the thousands of flashlights on your face as soon as we go out from here" He warned, narrowing his eyes.

"I don't care, as long as it's my good profile" Hyunjin sassily responded

"Get out" Minho said with a chuckle, throwing a water bottle at him, that smash at the door when Hyunjin closed back the door.

Hyunjin had gotten anyhting ready. He made him wore different clothes, and they got out at the same time as some idols, so the attention was distracted.

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