Chapter 41

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"Drop the tea" Hyunjin stated, slamming the door open and entering the practice room like he owned it.

"I just finished my practice, can't you let me breathe ?" Minho complained, laying on the ground.

"I've been fuming to know what happened" He giggled, clapping his hands excitedly.

"Damn you're so annoying" He rolled his eyes, standing up with a groan and walking to the couch "What do you want to know ?"

"How was it with your mom ? What happened with Ji ? Did you two fuck ? What was that date ? WHY DID HE ID YOU ON 3RACHA'S ACCOUNT ? Are you guys back together ?" He rambled, and noticed how Minho was more and more annoyed.

"I talked with my mom, Jisung did a whole ass monologue while we ate, he metaphorically slapped us in the face to realize what we had done. It hurt but now we're good so thanks Jisung" He resumed, while Hyunjin cooed.

"Aw, he helped you stick your broken ass family back together, how romantic" He said, avoiding the shoe Minho threw at him.

"Nothing really happened with Ji" He shrugged "We were kind of lovey-dovey, and it really does look more and more like a relationship though. No, we didn't fuck."

"What do you mean you didn't fuck but were lovey dovey" He pouted

"We kissed, like once" Minho blinked, feeling like a teenager

"You kissed without a sexual context ?"


"Seems like a boyfriend thing to do"

"I know" He sighed "And... the date, well we ate in a nice restaurant, and he was being the cutie he is so I took some pictures" He explained, rolling his eyes when Hyunjin cooed "And he asked if I didn't mind him 'showing me off'"

"And... you don't mind ??" He asked curiously

"I don't, I'm surprised as well but I really don't. I'm almost happy he did that ? I don't know, I'm confused" He groaned.

"So basically ... you're super in love and aren't scared anymore ...?" Hyunjin asked with a wide smile.

Minho stared at him for a moment, before putting a hand on his forehead.

"Fuck" He muttered "You're right"




wyd friday night ?



we're having dinner with tiger jk (omg omg)

we're planning having a feat w him

it's super confidential tho



oh cool

hope he agrees






but why ?


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