Chapter 9

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"Min" Jisung called out, hand softly brushing his naked back.

"Mmh?" Minho mumbled, eyes slowly opening as the light of the morning entered their room.

"I- um... Have a question" Jisung said, hesitantly

"Ask me anything, Mmh" Minho said, smiling reassuringly at him.

"I'm just... scared you won't appreciate me asking this" Jisung stated

"I don't mind anything Sungie, just say it" He continued reassuring, even raising a bit to have a better look at him.

Jisung hesistantly grabbed Minho's arm, softly caressing the skin. He looked at him with saddened eyes as he passed his finger through the slight bumps over his skin, a few scars littering his forearm.

"Oh, you want to ask about this ?" Minho asked simply, smiling sadly at him.

"Mmh" Jisung hummed

"I don't mind telling you, but it's kind of unsettling. So if you don't feel like hearing this I-" Minho tried to say

"No, absolutely not. I want to hear" Jisung reassured.

"Okay" He said, sitting up as he showed him his forearm "I- um- Used to get through a few dark places before... Not that something really bad happened to me... But I just really felt extermely sad at some point of my life, and that was what I did to myself to take the pain away" Minho softly said, his own eyes fixated on his skin.

"Oh, Min" Jisung said, his fingers brushing over the skin and softly giving it a peck "I'm sorry" He said, looking up at him "Was it depression ?"

"I was never diagnosed" He shrugged "I never dared to see a therapist, I just struggled within me and myself and... yeah... Maybe it is, I have no idea" He exlained, and wanted to kiss the pout out of Jisung's face.

"I'm sorry, I noticed that a while ago but didn't want to trigger you by asking" Jisung softly said

"It's okay, I get it" Minho smiled at him "And it's from the past, really. I don't mind opening about it, even less if it's to you"

"Was it a long time ago ?" He asked softly

"It ended like 2 years ago" Minho reassured

"How did it work for you?"

"I started concentrating myself and my energy only on things I loved. Dancing was one of them. It started a bit unhealthily but I ended up remembering why... living was worth it... basically" Minho explained



"I'm glad you feel better" Jisung tried to reassure, unsure of his own words, but it did make Minho chuckle.

"What about you ?" Minho asked curiously

"Me ?" Jisung asked

"Yeah, I noticed some kind of habits you have" Minho said, glancing softly at the boy "Shaking your legs, hitting your neck, is it some way of coping for something ?"

"I have anxiety" Jisung admitted, smiling sadly at him

"Diagnosed ?" Minho asked, slightly surprised

"Yeah" He chuckled dryly "Since ever, actually"

"How do you deal with it?" He asked curiously

"I just try" He said "I can't really do anything about it. Sometimes it goes well, sometimes it goes wrong, but I'm trying" He shrugged.

Minho delicately grabbed the latter's jaw, leaning to softly kiss his lips a few times, also muttering a few encouraging words.

"Let's end this depressing talk" Jisung chuckled, stirring his stiff body.

"Agreed" Minho said, pushing the covers out of his frame to motivate himself.

Jisung glanced at the boy's very naked body, still a bit shy about it. Minho realized it, and give him a sly smirk.

"You're too confident" Jisung cackled

Minho chuckled as he stood up, walking to grab some clothes and put them on under Jisung's gaze.

"You look good" Jisung complimented

"I do" Minho stated, turning to Jisung and smiling "But have you seen yourself ? I'm the dancer and I look soft beside you"

"I'm an idol, hun" Jisung cockily responded, chuckling right after "No but your body is firm as hell, you don't have like traced abs, but you can see it's far from soft. Also, it looks really pretty to me"

"It is?" Minho smiled

"Yeah" Jisung smiled "Oh, can you throw me my underwear ?" Jisung asked

"Nah, come get it" Minho teased, crossing his arms.

"Minhoooo" Jisung whined

"Why are you ashamed ?" Minho chuckled "I fucked you in the ass last night, what changes ?" He continued teasing and ended up throwing him his clothes when Jisung hid himself in the covers of the bed.

"By the way" Jisung muttered, putting his clothes on "You were really good to me" He praised, smiling to himself

"You were too" Minho responded

"Of course, I finally ended your despaired ass" Jisung rolled his eyes

"Love, despaired or not, fucking you is the highlight" Minho responded, genuinely happy about it

"Well, do it whenever you want" Jisung chuckled "Maybe not before a performance... but yeah" 

"Oh" Minho pouted "You'll look nice limping on stage" Minho teased, and cackled at Jisung's offended face

"You're a masochist"

"Oh baby, you haven't even seen it all" 

"Shut up" Jisung chuckled, standing up, hardly. He winced as he stood up straight, before glaring at Minho, who raised his hands in the air in defense.

"You asked for it" Minho defended.

He chuckled as he watched the younger waddle away, as he followed him closely.


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