Chapter 31

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"Minho ?" Jisung called, opening the door of the practice room.

He entered and noticed a sweaty Minho, just ending his practice, as he waddled to his phone to cut the music. He turned to him, brushing his sweaty hair back as he looked at Jisung.

"Yeah ?"

"Sorry to interrupt" He smiled sweatly "The boys have been texting and calling but you didn't answer" 

"Oh right" Minho gasped, picking his phone up "My bad"

"It's okay" Jisung chuckled "I told them I was still at the company and that I'll keep you informed. They wanted to eat out at a restaurant, it's a 5 minute walk from here" 

"Oh, like now ?" Minho asked

"Can you get ready in like 10 minutes ?" Jisung asked back

"I can try" He chuckled, "I'll meet you in the hall" 

"See you"

Minho hurried to change clothes and wet his hair a bit, only to look halfway presentable for the little hang out. He was a bit frustrated that they didn't tell him earlier, but he also could have read their messages. It's partially his fault.

Rushing to the hall, he noticed Jisung calmly waiting for him, scrolling on his phone, as he walked to him and poke him.

"Ah, let's go" Jisung let out, standing up and walking to the door.

As Minho realized what was happening, he froze in his steps.

Jisung, who didn't realize, ended up turning back, watching as Minho still didn't move, eyes widened and hands slightly shaky.

"Minho ?" He called, frowning in concern as he walked back to him "Are you okay ?" He asked.

"I- ... I'm not sure I want to go" Minho said in a stutter, eyes fixated on the door.

"Is something wrong ?" Jisung asked more, now full on worried.

Minho didn't answer, he only pointed at the door, shakily. Jisung turned back, to see what he was pointing at, but was still confused.

"I don't get it" He softly said, before he turned back to Minho and put a hand on his shoulder.

At the gentle touch, Minho got startled, and started looking around him. Upon noticing the different kind of people flooding the hall, he gestured away from Jisung's touch.

That hurt Jisung, until he put the pieces together and understood what was happening.

"Are you afraid ?" He asked softly, tentatively bringing another hand to his shoulder, a touch Minho didn't move away this time.

"Maybe... it's not a good idea to... walk together in the streets, right ?" Minho said, still pretty much livid "I know I said that I could handle the medias and all... But I lied... I don't... I faked it... I don't want them to put me more in the medias and ruin my life Jisung" He rambled, head shaking at the thought.

"Hey Hey" Jisung tried to calm him, pulling him back to the couch and sitting "It's okay, nothing is going to ruin your life anymore"

Minho was still painfully staring into nothingness, and Jisung could feel the pain. Minho was terrified of getting seen with him, and he hated the idea.

"They're going to take pictures" Minho continued "I... I can't just walk on the streets with an idol that's my ex-boyfriend"

"Yes, they are going to take pictures" Jisung didn't lie, but firmly held his arm as he softly talked "But no articles are going to be posted. And if they are, they'll be suspended in the 10 minutes following. The world now knows about my sexuality, so I'm not scared of what they'll say, and you have nothing to be scared of, because there is a hard protection over diffamation towards you" Jisung softly reassured.

"Still- They're going to speculate and ... What if-"

"Let them, then" Jisung softly said, smiling fondly at him "They'll be no consequences. JYPE will keep you, you'll continue dancing like the gem you are, we can continue being... friends or whatever we are at the moment... and the only thing that'll change is the people commenting on pictures of us together about how hot we are and how we should get back together" Jisung added with a giggle.

He watched how Minho's terrified face merged into a small smile, and a chuckle.

"Is that what they say or what you say ?" He asked with a subtle smirk, turning his head to Jisung.

"Them, of course" He responded sassily, chuckling afterwards.

Minho took a deep breath, before standing back up.

"Sorry... I kinda freaked out" He said shamefully.

"Pretty normal, that's PTSD's for you" He smiled back reassuringly.

"Okay" He took more deep breath, before turning to Jisung "Let's do this"

"Wanna disguise ?" Jisung offered

"No" Minho stated, shaking his head and smiling "I want to mess with them" He added, a sly look on his face.

"I'm scared"

"You're right to be"

Stepping out of the company, medias where indeed pretty rushed to take pictures of them. They knew it'll have a lot of views, two ex-boyfriends hanging out together, what a catch.

Minho put on his best fake confident act on, walking on the streets with Jisung on his side and a satisfied smirk on his face. It was empowering.

Stopping at a red light, he turned to Jisung, smiling slyly at him.

"What are you planning ?" Jisung looked at him with a frown

Minho only chuckled, before raising his hand and softly brushing his hair, pushing the strands away from his forehead and giving him a pretty look.

"Nothing" He shrugged, still with a smug look.

Jisung blushed at the gesture, before hitting him.

"Hey!" Minho defended.

"You're supposed to mess with them ! Not me !" Jisung defended

"Kill two birds with one stone" Minho smirked back, and shrieked when Jisung hit him once again.

Arriving at the restaurant, he could only feel shy under 2racha's strong gazes, and his two best friends teasing looks.

"What did I do again ?" Minho asked, letting Jisung sit in the booth before sitting next to him.

"Mmh, I wonder" Hyunjin said, showing him his phone with a picture of the two boys waiting at the red light, Minho's hand caressing Jisung's hair as they both looked endearingly at each other.

"If you wanted to tell the world that you two are back together, this was the best way" Chan teased

"We aren't, tho" Minho defended right away

"Yep, Mr Lee wanted to 'mess with the medias'" Jisung said with a roll of his eyes.

"And mess with you" Minho teased, turning his head to him "Don't forget"

"Right" Jisung responded, a bit too enchanted by the look he gave him.

Their little cute interaction didn't go unseen by the three boys, who silently cooed at the teasing.

"You should order, we already did" Felix told them.

"I'll have sushis" Jisung smiled to himself.

"Oh?" Minho interrupted him, leaning close to him and pointing at the card "They have jjajangmyeon though" He said, turning his head to the boy, who freaked out at how close they were.

"Yeah..." Jisung said, pouting "But I can't eat jjajangmyeon if it's not made by a special someone" He responded, and noticed how Minho's teasing look turned a bit fond at the answer.




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