Chapter 18

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It was bound to happen.

Minho knew, he had seen it coming.

People have been yelling about this everywhere, on comments, in front of the building, everywhere.

He had been keeping the flame of this hope burning, but the last light holding him up was just washed off.

"I'm sorry Minho, but I have to cut your contract" The boss said.

He remembers blinking at the statement, while he continued.

"I can't keep you here when you have been such a controversial subject everywhere... And I can't protect you like I do with my idols... I'm sorry but I'll put a stop on you"

He felt his heart shatter right there, but still couldn't let any words.

"Maybe if the situation calms down, I'll call to ask you back" He had said reassuringly, but it didn't soothe Minho's mind.

After that, he only remembers walking lifelessly through the corridors, face livid and eyes lost, while grabbing the stuff he had been leaving at his workplace. Or, his former workplace.

He knows he took a last glance at the practice room, the one he had worked in for so long, before leaving.

Unmasked, and still livid, he felt the building, with no energy to care about the people flashing and yelling at him outside.

The rest of his memory is blurry.

He remembers Hyunjin and Felix bursting in his house, crying and praying for Minho to hang on, which he couldn't really.

He remembers that the two had been switching on taking care of him, forcing food and water, and even helping him to the toilets.

He didn't know how long it has been.

A week ? Two ?

Three, actually.

Three weeks where Minho hasn't spoken a word.

Three weeks where had been lifelessly staring at his ceiling.

He could also remember the multiple phone calls Hyunjin has been on, begging other companies to take Minho as their dance teacher, when all of them turned him down. Each times they would say 'No, we don't want bad advertising', Hyunjin would leave the room so Minho wouldn't hear. But he knew.

So here he was.


Deprived from his passion


If the dark place he had been in a few years ago was hard, this one was his very last limit.

At some point, he finally talked, and finally moved by himself.

"I'm good" He had said

"I'm taking a shower" He had added.


Only for Hyunjin and Felix to find their friend in the shower when they judged he had been taking too long.

Wrists slit open, as he laid his head on the wall.

"Minho" Felix had cried, eyes widened.

While Minho, conscious and devasted at his failed attempted, smiled back at him, eyes halfway closed.

"Not deep enough" He had weakly stated, those being the third sentence he had agreed to share in three weeks.

Words that showed the deepness of the words spiraling in his mind.

He had lost it, completely.

He put on a fight when his friends begged and tried to force him to the hospital.

Eventually, Hyunjin and Felix had let it go, but had taken an entire week being under alert at every of his moves, while they took their time to heal his wounds.

Minho still chose silence, too weak to mutter anything.

Some day, he randomly disappeared when the two boys were passed out, one in Minho's bed, the other on Minho's couch.

They had freaked out, until Minho entered his house, frowning at their expression.

"What ? I wanted pudding" He had responded, as if everything was absolutely normal.

No pudding was seen, by the way, and the two boys knew he was scheming something.

But they still smothered him in hugs and kisses, too freaked out minutes earlier. Minho had let out a tiny smile this time, even hugging them tightly for a moment.

"Do you think he'll see it ?" Felix whispered to Hyunjin

"I hope he won't... But lately he has been obsessed about what people say about him... I doubt he doesn't already know..." Hyunjin said, shaking his head.

"I'm scared... this is going too far..." Felix said weakly

"They have no consciousness at this point" Hyunjin responded, enraged.

Both of them stared at the picture on his phone.

It was from the moment Minho had been outside, unmasked as he couldn't care anymore. Multiple pictures have been taken...

Most of them zooming on his wrists and the wounds orning them.

Hyunjin had spent two entire nights contacting hundreds of persons to help him take the pictures down, and he had done it.

But the damage was already caused.

Of course Minho saw.

So Minho agreed with his idea.

He would do it, it doesn't matter anymore.

He has no family, his mother already didn't care.

He needs his friends to stop worrying about him, they're ruining their own health.

He has no one he will deceive too much by leaving.

So, when his two best friends passed out at the same time once again, he knew it was time.

He smiled to himself, standing up with a relieved smile on his face.

He had kissed both Hyunjin's and Felix's forehead, careful to not wake them up.

"Sorry" He had apologized.

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