Chapter 32

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"Why are you planning to eat out every weekend ?" Minho muttered at the phone, eyes searching on the shelves the ingredients he wanted.

"Can't you be happy to see your friends ?" Hyunjin responded, and Minho rolled his eyes, knowing it was unseen.

"Should I bring wine ?" Minho asked, taking a bottle in his hand and inspecting it.

"Why not" Hyunjin responded "Anyway, I have to go now, I'll hang up. See you at the boy's dorm" He added, before hanging up, not letting Minho enough time to answer.

He scoffed, putting his phone back into his pocket before walking to the cashier.

As he knocked at 3racha's dorm, he got confused when Jisung opened, a frown apparent on his face.

"Yes ?" Jisung asked, raising an eyebrow curiously.

"Can't I enter ?" Minho asked, blinking.

"Well... yes... but, is there something wrong ?" He asked, confused as well.

"What do you mean ?" Minho asked, taking his shoes off as he turned back to Jisung.

"Um... what are you doing here ?" Jisung asked, and Minho let it sink in for a seconds.

He had an idea of what this meant now.

"The dinner ...?" Minho frowned

"What ? You have a dinner with the boys ?" He frowned, thinking he hadn't even been invited

"Didn't Chan invited us...?" Minho scowled.

"Chan is at his friend's house..." Jisung blinked "And Changbin at Felix's ..." He continued, pretty confused "And I saw Seungmin's snap with Hyunjin..."

Now he got it. Minho sighed loudly at the realization.

"That son of a bitch" He mumbled, rolling his eyes.

"What ...?" Jisung continued, still in the darkness.

"Hyunjin" Minho stated "He told me Chan had invited us here, and that he wanted to have dinner... I offered to cook" He explained, and Jisung seem to realize as well.

"Oh" He chuckled dryly "Did he really trapped us like that ?" He smiled, dumbfounded

"Apparently" He rolled his eyes.

"Well... Sorry there's no dinner" He dryly chuckled again, looking at the bag Minho had, before looking up in slight disappointment "I guess... you don't want to... stay"

"Well, if you didn't have dinner, I can still make this before it gets bad" Minho offered, not daring to cross Jisung's face, and not noticing the fond smile that grew on Jisung's lips.

"Okay" He mumbled, before leading Minho to the kitchen.

"What are you preparing ?" Jisung asked softly, before gasping when Minho took the food out.

"Yep" He chuckled "Are you happy ?"

"That's so cute" He giggled "Is it because I told you I prefer you making it ?"

"It is" He embarassingly responded "Jjajangmyeon, it is" He smiled to himself, preparing the food "I brought wine as well, but you can have water if you prefer"

"No" He smiled "Wine is alright"


"And... Can I help you?" Jisung asked

"No" He deadpanned

"Come oooon" He whined


"Give me at least something to do, I can't always just watch you cook while I do nothing" Jisung insisted

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