Chapter 20

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One year.

Was a year enough to forget about the hate train ? The pain ? The disappointment ? Jisung ?

Nah, not really.

Was Minho ready to come back and face his nightmares ?

He thinks he will never be.

Is he still coming back ?

He is, and is more than ready to fake it.

Resigning at both his waiter job and at the kids dance center was somehow saddening. He had found a nice spot there, and loved where he was. But he knew it wasn't where he belonged at, and finally felt ready to go.

Before getting back, he kissed goodbye his newfound friends, and drown over the thousands of presents the kids gave him. He promised them to go see them as soon as they become excellent dancers, and he knew he would never forget them.

As soon as he landed, and the news slightly spread, he realized that the medias hadn't change much.

Now, most of the comments around him were talking about how happy they were to see him in better shape. But Minho had also learnt to not obsess over comments anymore.

He also had learnt a few things.

Fuck them, fuck whatever they think of him. He had always thought being strong enough to not care about anyone, and have been proved wrong. But now ? He was ready.

As soon as he left the airport and saw a few people taking pictures of him, he smiled.

His finger hooked on his mask, lowering it to show his face.

He smiled widely at the cameras, before raising his hand and showing them the most offensive middle finger he could. He wondered if he shouldn't suck on it to respond to the conservatives shitting on him, but he repressed the thought. He'll do it another time.

He posed more for the cameras, his confident self annoying most of the paparazzis, before calmly walking to the taxi he called.

Getting back to his flat in Seoul was weird.

Seeing that no medias was waiting in front of his flat felt liberating, freeing. And the firsts steps inside the flat, the dusty and dark flat was somehow triggering.

He started by opening his curtains and opening his room's window, beating his former fear of getting more of his privacy broken.

Getting into the bathroom he had attempt suicide a year ago almost brought vomit to his mouth, but he shrugged it off.

The day was filled of harsh cleaning and rearranging. He redid most of the decorations and clothes, throwing a few away in the trash without looking, especially someone's special stuff. He didn't look back, nor he cared as he did, he was only content to turn the page of such episode of his life.

When the night arrived, he had a thing to do.

He wore his comfiest outfit, before confidently grabbing his keys and leaving his flat.

Knocking at this door was nerve breaking.

He apprehended a lot his reaction, but when Felix opened the door, his scowl turning on the most warm smile he could give, Minho knew things were going to go for the better.

"GOD" Felix yelled in shock, eyes immediately filling with unshed tears as he threw himself on the older, arms locking around his shoulders to hug him warmly, while Minho softly tapped his back.

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