Chapter 42

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Licking a stripe down the younger's stomach, Minho was yelling on the inside.

He tried to act cooly, he tried to be confident, acting as if it was normal, as if he was going to make love to his boyfriend normally, as if he wasn't literally imploding at the idea.

He couldn't stop looking at his face, even hesitating going down on him knowing he wouldn't have his expressions in sight. But for the love of Jisung's pleasure, he agreed on making a concession, slowly bringing his underwear down.

He could see Jisung's shining eyes in anticipation as he lowered his head down, grabbing his thighs to separate them.

At the first sensation, Jisung shrieked. There was no one who Jisung would let do that, and no one that could bring that much pleasure with so less. Trembling more as Minho fiercely tongued at his rim, Jisung couldn't help but feel grateful of his idea of showering before coming here.

"Finally getting my dessert" Minho mumbled jokingly, and Jisung couldn't help but smile

He also loved every little caresses Minho gave on his stomach, like the act he was giving wasn't so filthy. It was too romantic for his little heart to take.

Feeling a digit at his ass, Jisung shrieked again. Minho couldn't help but surprise him, right ? Jisung haven't even noticed the lube bottle.

As soon as his finger slipped in, Minho's head escaped from in between his legs. He now could both appreciate his looks and pleasure him. So he stayes hovering over him, finger playing with his prostate as he could have an eye on every single expression he did.

Opening back his eyes, Jisung felt a bit shy under Minho's burning gaze, but he felt bold enough to stare back, trying to look confident, as his own hand made his way inside of Minho's underwear. He noticed the slight shift on Minho's expression as he did, and smiled at it, before rolling his eyes back when Minho competitively sped up his pace with his fingers.

Their silent exchange through their glances felt much more intimate than any other confession they could. 

"Fuck" Minho heavily breathed out, head falling on Jisung's neck.

"Are you that weak ?" Jisung teased in betweens pants, hand speeding up as well in his stroking.

"Yes, love" Minho said, raising to press his lips on Jisung's lips "I'm horribly weak for you, nothing's new" 

"Make love to me, Min" Jisung pleaded, always breaking Minho's mind so slightly with his bold demands.

He hurried to take his underwear off, searching on the matress for the condom that was laying there, until he finally found it.

He noticed Jisung shifted to get on his stomach, before Minho frowned and manhandled him back to his back, pinning him and hovering.

"What do you think you're doing ?" He asked lightly, staring down at him while he raised the boy's leg to his shoulder.

"Thought you'd like that" Jisung responded, chuckling lightly, before letting out a loud moan when Minho pushed inside.

"I prefer being able to see you" Minho said weakly, pushing more until he bottomed out, letting Jisung pull him closer to kiss more.

Thrusting into the boy, it was nothing like they've ever done before. Minho went on slowly, speeding up but never brutally, smoothly rolling his hips to hit every parts Jisung loved while the younger joined his hips to the move.

Kissing without a stop, while their bodies merged in a way too romantic setting, they opened their hearts to each other.

Hearing Jisung's moans getting louder, Minho agreed on breaking the slow and burning pattern to go quicker, slamming into the boy and making him yell enough to steal his high, making the boy paint their chests in white.

"Oh my fuck" Minho muttered, holding the boy tightly as he felt his high getting stolen "I love you so fucking much".

Jisung giggled, and watched Minho giggle back when they got back from cloud nine.

"What a heart shattering love confession" Jisung teased, smiling widely at the boy who stood up to throw the condom away.

"Shut up" Minho mumbled, grabbing the boy's waist and pulling him up.

"I liked making love, it changes" Jisung smiled shyly, shrieking when Minho opened the water.

"And I like you" Minho responded, chuckling.

"It's cute when you do this" Jisung said, eyes never leaving his man as the other coating him in soap.

"What ? Washing the dirt out of you ?" Minho asked back

"No" He chuckled "I mean yes, but I wasn't talking about that. I'm talking about when I say that I like something, and you respond with I like you" He smiled

"I do that a lot ?" 

"Yes, you did that before too" Jisung smiled more "That flusters me"

"Well, I like flustering you" Minho teased

"And I like you" Jisung responded cheekily.

"I love you too, by the way" Jisung muttered, helping Minho drying his hair.

Minho only smiled, delicately pecking his nose.

"Can I steal you a shirt ?" Jisung asked, before getting a cloth thrown at his head. 


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lixie: crying, this is so beautiful

kimseungmin: poor boy, i hope he escapes

_minlee: no way i'm keeping him locked

__kimseungmin: creepy

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