Chapter 10

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Finally, 3racha's comeback happened. And so did the promotion start.

The day before, Minho spent the night a his dorm, trying to calm the boy's nerves over the expectations.

"Is he always like this before coming back?" Minho asked with a chuckle, watching how Jisung was doing pushups on the ground to exhaust himself.

"He's pretty calm now" Chan stated, acting as if it was normal that Jisung was now running laps around the couch.

"Soon he'll start crying, and after laughing like a maniac, just wait" Changbin warned.

And Jisung did as Changbin told. He ugly cried like a baby, while Minho carressed his back soothingly.

"Stop laughing" Jisung nagged, half sobbing and sniffing loudly.

"Sorry" Minho said with a silent giggle.

From his house, Minho watched their performance on his TV, smiling widely. He had invited both Hyunjin and Felix to watch it, as they clapped loudly and hyped them up through the screen.

"He's so ... so him" Minho muttered, mesmerized at Jisung's close camera plan.

"Bro hasn't change one bit" Felix stated

"Now he knows whatever's hanging under those baggy clothes of him" Hyunjin joked

"So, how does it feel to see your lover performing like that" Felix teased

"I wanna spoil him" Minho unconsciously blurted out and made his two friends laugh loudly at the sudden statement.

Minho found himself listening to the album in repeat. Not that he didn't do that before dating the boy, but he just continued his fanboy act.

Also, with the lack of his lover's presence, he liked being  able to have some attachment to the other through his art. 

He knew that Jisung was really busy and mainly stressed. He would go to the company at the very morning, spend the entire day running from left to right, to shows and the company, before getting back home at late hours. Exhausted, he would fall asleep early.

He didn't want to overwhelm him by impose his presence, but he still tried to give his support through many different ways.

Minho spammed him with cute messages, at any time of the day, that Jisung felt delighted to text back as soon as he could.



good morning love



oh? so early ?

did u wake up for me

have a good day <3


oop sorry, i fell asleep

have a good day



so you did :(

love ya


drink water

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