Chapter 12

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3racha's promotions were finally coming to an end, and nothing could make Minho more happy.

After two weeks and a half of barely seeing his lover due to his harsh schedule, they would finally be able to have some time for each other.

As soon as Jisung finished his last performance, he hurried to go back home.

He wanted to go as fast as possible, just for the sake of taking a bath, get ready to make himself pretty, before rushing to Minho's flat.

But he was surprised as he arrived at the dorm, only to see a giddy Minho sitting on his couch.

Jisung needed a second to realize his lover had surprised him, before he smiled widely and rushed to the couch, throwing himself at the boy to engulf him in a warm hug.

Minho chuckled as he hugged back, body falling on the couch under the other's weight, too happy to finally get a hold on his boy.

"How did you get in?" Jisung asked, excitedely

"Changbin opened to me before leaving this morning" Minho smiled at him

"Aaah so cute" Jisung giggled.

"You're so sweaty" Minho complained

"Are you complaining ?" Jisung asked, offended

"Gross" Minho joked

"You're acting as if you're not a god damn dancer that spends his time hugging me right after practicing for hours long" Jisung rolled his eyes "I've seen you more sweaty in my life than anything else"

"Whatever, go take a bath so you don't smell" Minho continued, tapping at his butt.

"I hate you" Jisung mumbled, before unwillingly breaking the hug to waddle to the bathroom.

"Oh, hi Minho" Chan greeted, tiredly entering the living room "Ugh" He groaned, stirring his body.

"Hey" Minho responded, also greeting Changbin who just got in.

"We also invited Hyun and Lix, by the way" Chan informed, going to sit next to Minho on the couch.

"Oh nice, finally a little hangout" Minho smiled "Are your other friends also coming?"

"Nah, just us" Changbin said, throwing himself on the couch as well.

"Where's Hannie ?" Chan asked

"Shower" Minho informed "He was too sweaty to cuddle" He chuckled

"I'll go right after" Chan chuckled "I feel gross as well"

Soon enough, running was heard in the house.

Jisung threw himself on the couch, landing perfectly on Minho's lap, as he wiggled his way to sit on him, forcing the older to wrap his arms around him. He laid the back of his head on Minho's shoulder, humming contently to be in his warmth.

"What an entrance" Minho chuckled, tightening his grip around Jisung.

"I know" He said

"Your hair is still wet" Minho complained, noticing his shirt getting wet.

"Don't care" He mumbled "Don't you dare push me off" He warned, and Minho complied.

"Are you sleeping here Minho ?" Changbin asked

"Yup" He said, smiling innocently at him

"Tune it down then" He narrowed his eyes at the couple

"I haven't seen my boyfriend in a week, you'll hear whatever I want to make you hear" Jisung threatened, frowning back.

"It's okay, we're perfectly able to behave. We're chaste and you have no reason to worry" Minho calmly responded, smiling innoncently again.

They stared for a moment, before bursting in laughter.

"That was funny, hun" Jisung laughed more

"I know"

As soon as Hyunjin and Felix arrived, they all sat on the couch, as they had insisting on watching a few performances and videos of 3racha's promotions.

"I love this stylist" Minho said, smiling contently at the TV.

"I wonder why" Hyunjin rolled his eyes

"Fans went nut over seeing Jisung's abs" Chan said, chuckling

"I went nut as well" Minho admitted without a shame

"You mean you busted a nut ?" Felix teased, laughing loudly at his pun

"Disgusting" Changbin gagged

"I mean, I could have" Minho shrugged, before getting hit by the boy on his lap.

"You messed up the formation Chan" Minho nagged

"For real, way too much on the right, that's disappointing" Hyunjin continued

"I mean, if Jisung was more on the left, it would have been alright" Felix commented

"Jisung was where he was supposed to be" Minho shrugged

"True" Felix agreed.

The 3 rappers looked at each others, dumbfounded.

"Damn, now we're having real life critics" Jisung complained

"Maybe if you hadn't decided dating a dancer it wouldn't have happened" Changbin rolled his eyes.

They laughed loudly upon hearing Changbin's voice crack, all of them unable to contain themselves while Changbin was whining.

"The fact that Jisung couldn't even rap his part because he was laughing makes it even funnier" Hyunjin pointed out

"How could I?" Jisung laughed loudly "I wasn't expecting that" 

"Shut up" Changbin complained.

Soon enough, the 3 rappers fell asleep, body still exhausted from the hard work of the last weeks.

Hyunjin and Felix discreetly left the dorms, going back to their own flat, while Minho was thinking of a strategy to bring Jisung to bed without waking him up.

Struggling a bit, he carried him princess like to his room, before laying him in his bed.

He threw his shirt somewhere and didn't need to change his boy as he already had worn his pyjamas. Happily, he hurried inside the covers, also pulling them over Jisung's frame.

As he cuddled him tightly, Jisung softly woke up, eyes heavy as he tried to look at Minho.

"MmThanks" He muttered, half sleepy, head nuzzling on Minho's chest.

"No problem" Minho whispered, hand caressing his soft and now dry hair.

He stared at him for a moment, smiling to himself and wondering how he got so lucky, before kissing the crown on his head.

"You did well, love" He muttered, before nuzzling closer and letting his sleepyness lead him to dreamland.

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