Chapter 39

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The rest of the day went by very smoothly and silently.

Without any word exchanged between mother and son, as if they needed some time to let the words sink in, the two boys helped Aeri in the farm.

They picked up fruits and vegetables that were good enough, mostly for the dinner, while Minho took his time to help Jisung who knew nothing about it.

Jisung was also very excited to go feed the chickens and the rabbits, almost losing a few fingers every time he tried to pet the chicks, which didn't stop making Minho chuckle.

"They're so cute" Jisung pouted, looking at the bunnies.

"They are" Minho smiled

"You kind of look like a bunny" Jisung added, staring at him.

"Oh, do I?" He asked, turning to the boy

"You have the same teeth" He giggled

Jisung almost cried upon understanding that the bunnies were eventually going to get killed and eaten, but Minho tried his best to stop him from opening their cages and saving each one of them.

"You're a menace" Minho said, holding tightly Jisung's arms in a backhug as they walked back home.

"I just wanted to save them" Jisung pouted, letting the older almost carry him.

"We have enough trouble with the cats trying to chase the chickens, we don't need a squirrel messing up with the bunnies" He chuckled

"I'm a quokka ! Not a squirrel" Jisung defended.

"Same thing"

Getting back in the house, they felt tired and dirty. Minho wanted to make dinner, but also didn't feel like actually talking to his mother. Entering the kitchen, he noticed his mother cutting the vegetables, and approached her.

"Go take a shower, I'll cut the veggies and you'll do the rest" She said softly, eyes fixated on her task.

Minho only nodded, before grabbing Jisung's arm and bringing him upstairs.

"So... we'll sleep together ?" Jisung asked, searching for his clothes in his bag.

"Yes, if it's not a problem for you" Minho responded, grabbing a towel.

"It's not" Jisung smiled to himself "You go first ?" He asked

"Yep, I'll be quick" He responded, leaving to the bathroom right after.

Jisung sat on the bed, calmly looking around at the boy's room.

It seemed so... dull. He can understand now, with the 'low' life Minho used to have, how kindhearted Minho is. Why he is always hurrying to cook or tidy up before everyone else. Why he keeps on being so perfect and hide as much flaws as he can. Noticing his family dynamic, and the empty hole his father's loss as made in the family, he also understands a bit better why Minho is so easily shattered. Why the boy had been through hell and back, even if he doesn't dare to speak up about it.

Somehow, he felt himself falling deeper.

Minho was so much more than he showed.

He got brought back from his little daydream by the older entering back in the room, hair wet and a towel wrapped around his hips. He stayed sat as the older drew the towel away to put on clothes, not caring a second about the fact that Jisung was in the room, and Jisung could only chuckle at that.

"I'll end up being offended if you laugh everytime I'm naked in front of you" Minho joked

"It's just so funny how much you're not bashful" He chuckled "I'm way more shy than you"

"I am bashful" Minho corrected "I just feel alright being naked around you" He shrugged, putting on a shirt as he turned back to Jisung.

He noticed Jisung's gaze shift to his wrist, and even if he usually didn't feel shy about his scars, the newest ones where somehow still sensitive to him. But wanting to stop being a coward and face the consequences of his actions, he only stepped closer to Jisung, and raised his hand, showing him the scars upclose.

Jisung got taken aback, mostly because it was a weird way to accept to be taken care of, but he only smiled sadly at him, before hesistantly bringing his fingers on the scars, caressing the skin so softly.

"They're ugly" Minho said

"It's okay" Jisung muttered "They're a part of you now" He continued

"I regret" He muttered, almost soundlessly

"The past is in the past" Jisung responded, softly and delicately pecking the skin "They'll get clearer as the time passes by, and you'll end up forgetting about them" He smiled reassuringly.

Minho only responded with a soft smile, before grabbing another clean towel and throwing at Jisung.

"Should I wait for your turn to put on clothes here ?" He joked

"In your dreams" Jisung rolled his eyes, standing up

"Indeed" Minho responded with a smirk "I'll go cook then, join me after your shower"


Jisung frowned sadly when he entered the kitchen, noticing the two Lees still haven't talk to each other. Minho was carefully preparing the food to be eaten, while Aeri was silently putting the table.

They were so stubborn it was painful to watch. Like mother like son.

He sat at the table and smiled when Minho joined him, and another awkward and very silent dinner started.

"I don't know much about idols" Aeri said "Are you a very famous one ?" 

Minho smiled a bit.

"Kind of..." Jisung responded, trying to be humble "We don't have problems selling our concerts and we have made it into Billboard a few times."

"Oh, so it's going on great for you, right ?" She asked, nodding in understanding.

"More than great. He's being humble but he's one of the best idols Kpop has known. He and his two coworkers are self produced, and Jisung is a musical genius that can dance, sing and rap. They are really famous" Minho joined in, directing his words to his mother.

"Who were you a fan first thing first ? Jisung or his group ?" She asked teasingly.

"Mom" He rolled his eyes, but nonetheless smiled.

"Me, of course" Jisung teased back, nudging Minho. 

After a few chuckles, they got back to a more silent dinner, but this time, the ambiance felt a bit lighter.

Until Aeri stood up suddenly.

"I... bought desserts" Aeri said, bringing a huge cake to the table.

Opening the box, Minho almost gasped at the sight.

A beautiful cake, mintgreen with little decorations, and the words 'I'm proud of you' written at the center. 

He looked up at his mother, noticing her lips quivering.

"You're an amazing dancer, the most talented boy I've ever seen... And yes, I know I'm not being objective" She chuckled to herself "But I'm proud of my only son, who traveled the country to live by himself, work by himself, built his own career and is now a respectable man, handsome and independant" She smiled "And soon married, I hope" She jokingly added, her head tilting to Jisung.

"Thank you" Minho mumbled, genuinely moved "I'm sorry for leaving you" He added, shameful

"I'm sorry you had to as well" She responded "But if that makes you happier, I'll accept it again and again"

Minho stood up abruptly, running around the table to hold her mother in his arms, tightly, while she wrapped her arms as well.

"I won't leave you alone anymore" Minho muttered "I'll come every two weeks or something"

"Don't do too much either" She chuckled "But if you can come once in a month, I'll be very happy to have you here"

Jisung's eyes watered at the soft interaction.

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