Chapter 5

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"You look cute when you're working" Minho said, watching as Jisung got spooked, turning his head abruptly when he heard his face.

"Fuck, you scared the shit out of me" Jisung said, putting his hand on his overbeating heart

"Well, make sure to bring safety pants in your bag then" Minho shrugged, sitting beside the boy.

"Didn't know you were at the company today" Minho said, shuffling in his bag to take out a few snacks, before laying them on the table.

"Thanks" Jisung muttered, hurrying to eat something "I wasn't supposed to, but I needed to write something" He said, pointing at his laptop.

This has unexpectedly become an habit.

Jisung would cross Minho's path in the corridors, and force him to have some snacks and a conversation.

Minho would finish his daily practice, and check 3racha's room to see if Jisung was still there.

"It's late already, you should go back to your dorm" Minho said

"So do you" He said, turning his head to Minho "You just finished your day ?"

"Yep" He said, grinning "I've been working with Nmixx for a moment now" He explained, stirring.

"Oh, I love their dances, you're the one behind it?" Jisung asked in surprise

"It's a collaborative work, but you can say that" He shrugged, before looking back at the laptop "Are you over ? Let's call it a day and bring you home"

"Alright" Jisung agreed, saving his pages.

Minho stood up, waiting for Jisung to pick up his things

"I'm getting tired of the dorms" Jisung sighed, closing his laptop and stirring

"Really ? Why is that ?" Minho asked, genuinely curious

"I don't know, I just need a change I guess" He shrugged

"I get it, I'm getting a bit tired of my flat as well" Minho chuckled, looking back at Jisung who looked back at him with a frown.

"Right, I would like to move a bit" Jisung said, still staring at Minho. As if expecting something.

"Really ? Where ?" Minho asked, again pretty curious.

"Minho, are you dense ?" Jisung annoyedly said, throwing a snack at his face.

"What?" Minho asked, grabbing the snack.

Jisung sighed.

"Oh- OH" He realized, eyes widening as he stared at him, dumbfounded and slightly blushing.

"Finally" Jisung rolled his eyes, picking up his bagpack.

"W-Would you like to have dinner at mine ?" Minho offered, kind of stumbling over his words

"Oh, why thank you. I really didn't expect you to ask that, that would be lovely" Jisung said in a exagerated tone.

"You're boring" Minho chuckled

"And you're stupid as hell" Jisung insulted, walking to him "But let's go to yours"

"I might not have cleaned a lot, I'll be honest" Minho chuckled as he signaled Jisung to enter the house "I didn't expect a pretty boy here"

"Well, pretty boy's room is less cleaned than that, trust me" Jisung chuckled, taking his shoes off.

"It's not huge but it's nice" Minho explained as he showed him the living room, the kitchen being right next to it.

"Are we still talking about your flat ?" Jisung jokingly asked, cackling at his own joke.

"You wanna find out ?" Minho played along, and laughed loudly when Jisung coughed at the sudden flirt.

Minutes later, Jisung was sitting on the counter of the kitchen, while Minho was looking in his fridge to get something to eat.

"You cook ?" Jisung asked

"I do, when I have time" Minho nodded, picking some chicken.

"That's sexy" Jisung said, noticing the grin on Minho's face when he stood up.

"Hearing you, everything I do is sexy" Minho stated

"You're one of a kind" Jisung complimented

"Well, I never thought the boy I was admiring would say those words to me one day" Minho chuckled, trying to hold back how flustered he was.

"Do you need help?" Jisung asked

"I think I know enough about you to refuse this offer, hun" Minho teased

"I don't want to let you do the entire work" Jisung pouted.

"Just sit there and look pretty, you're already doing enough" Minho flirted, passing his thumb on the boy's cheek to tease him, before taking the cutting board

Jisung felt his cheek reddening furiously.

What was happening ?

"Wine ?" Minho offered, putting plates on the table.

"Nah, I have work tomorrow and that shit hurts my head in the morning" Jisung complained

"Alright" Minho said, sitting at the table as soon as he discarded the bottle.

They digged in, and Jisung needed a few minutes to realize how good the food actually was, eyes widening as he looked up at Minho.

"Oh my good, can you wife me up right fucking now ?" Jisung asked in pure shock.

Minho only chuckled, half ready to yell 'of fucking course' and throwing himself at him.

"Not but for real, this is amazing" Jisung continued his praises

"I could cook for you anytime you want" Minho muttered, shyly looking at his plate.

"Minho ?"

"Mmh ?"

"Can I be honest ?" Jisung asked

"Of course" Minho responded, trying to be act neutral but apprehension filled his mind.

"I really like the flirting thing we have been doing" He stated, and Minho cursed his straighforwardness.

"I- Me too" Minho muttered

"Are you playing around ? Or are you actually trying to court me ?" Jisung asked seriously.

Minho wasn't expecting it. He raised his head and stared at him in the eyes

"Of course I'm actually trying, why would I flirt if not ?" He asked, frowning

"I don't do situationships, or one night stands, or whatever you want to call it" Jisung warned, slightly scared of whatever Minho would responded.

"Well, good for you" Minho shrugged "If I get my hands on you, don't expect me to throw you away right after" He said, and that somehow warmed Jisung's heart.

"Okay" Jisung smiled, satisfied from the answer

"Okay" Minho said, slightly embarassed.

"I should go now" Jisung said, standing up "But thank you a lot for this excellent dinner" He praised more, walking to Minho.

"I'll be expecting more" Jisung concluded, leaning down to delicately peck his cheek.

Minho felt his entire body burning.

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