Chapter 11

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The first week of promotion had officially ended.

Jisung was still balls deep into work, but he missed having Minho around.

That's how he found himself knocking at his door, at 2 a.m, a huge disguise all over him.

"Who's there ?" A voice said from the door, and Jisung chuckled at that.

At the sound of the chuckle, Minho hurried to open the door, before jumping at the boy, wrapping his hands around his waist and hugging him tightly.

Jisung giggled as Minho tightened his hold, before walking inside, struggling as his boy didn't make any effort.

"What are you doing here at this hour, stupid" Minho nagged, helping him unwrap the scarf so he could kiss those pretty lips.

"I told you I would" Jisung chuckled, taking his mask off and getting taken aback when Minho latched their lips hurriedly.

"Calm down, tiger" Jisung said, taking his coat off "Where you sleeping ?" 

"Nah, I was monitoring the dance practice I did today" Minho said, smiling.

"Can I take a look ?" Jisung asked

"Nah" Minho said as he grabbed him by the waist and carried him up "I want you to be only to myself for now on" He said, lovingly laying kisses at his cheek.


Jisung ended up giving his time to Minho, and maybe more than his time.

He didn't know how he found himself straddling Minho's lap on the couch, lips battling next to each other, but here he was. Minho's hands were kneading into his ass, and he got more and more aroused.

He ended up whimpering at some point, and the look Minho gave to him at this time sent him to the edge. So he decided to take some actions, hips slowly rubbing on Minho's lap.

Looking at the older's face as he threw it back and licked his lower lip was making a fire ignit in Jisung.

"You're so handsome" Jisung whispered, hypnotized by his features.

Minho looked back at him, smirking as he could only reciprocate the compliment

"You're so hot like that" Minho responded, looking at the boy humping on him.

"What are you waiting to undress me, then ?" Jisung asked, slowly tilting his head to the side.

Minho chuckled hotly, before his hands slowly raised his shirt, letting his fingers brush over his skin. He threw it somewhere, before he let his hands travel around his stomach and chest, still baffled to have access to him in his entirety.

Seconds after, Minho had taken Jisung's pants off, before pulling him to his lap again. Jisung felt slightly revealed, on contrary of Minho who was still pretty much clothed.

"What about you ?" Jisung asked

"Everything in its time" Minho whispered back, before mouthing at his shoulder, hand traveling down.

He slipped his hand inside Jisung's underwear, before giving his dick a few strokes, enough to see the boy on him slowly shudder more and more. As more whimpers left his mouth, Jisung's hands wrapped on Minho's shoulder to have more stability.

Loving seeing him fold like that, his other hand followed suit and slipped on his underwear as well, brushing dryly at his rim.

"Oh, fuck" Jisung mumbled, biting at his shoulder to contain his noises.

Minho didn't dare to enter a finger dry, but he took some time to tease the rim, circling and brushing, his other hand doing enough work on his dick to keep him aroused.

"Enough" Jisung mumbled, leaning back to have a look at Minho, his messed up face making Minho's skin tingle.

"Mmh ?" Minho hummed, hands not stopping

"Can we fuck here ? It's exciting" Jisung begged, and who was Minho to say no?

"Fuck, Jisung, I'll do whatever you want" Minho responded right away, slowly pushing Jisung off his lap "Just a second" He said, before bolting away.

He came back to a now completely naked Jisung, kneeling in front of the couch, a sly smile on his face.

He threw the stuff on the couch before sitting back, looking at Jisung and tapping his lap.

But Jisung shook his head, rejecting, before his hands worked their way to Minho's jeans. As soon as he took them off, eyes never leaving Minho's intense gaze, he leaned in, mouthing at his bulge.

He took him in his mouth as soon as he discarded his underwear, and the sight of a pleased Minho was driving him to the edge. The little grunts, and the few high pitched moans were drastically different to Minho's dominant image, and he loved this side.

"Fuck, come here" Minho commanded, hand cautiously grabbing his hair to make him stop.

And Jisung gladly complied, eagerly straddled the boy's lap, and happily let him finger him up, until his knees were buckling.

Minutes later and a condom on, Minho let Jisung's ass engulf his dick, as both of their build up had been unbearable to resist.

He let his cute boy hopping on him, watching an amazement at how good he was, and at how fucking lucky he had gotten.

He ended up grabbing his waist to accompany his movements, and love each one of back and forth guided by the younger. Until Jisung wanted more.

"Take me" He let out, voice weak.

Out of impulse to give him whatever he wanted, he carried him up and threw him on the couch, making him kneel on the couch, his stomach laying on the headrest. He slapped his buttcheeks a few time, a hand caressing the younger's lower back, before he approached him.

He entered him once again, hands spreading his buttcheeks, as he smiled in satisfaction at his lover's loud moan.

Changing the rhythm, he accelerated, pounding him on the backrest, letting the room fill with the messy sound of their sound clapping on each other.

And because he felt overly confident on fucking the shit out of Jisung, he grabbed the boy's thigh, pulling at it and raising it on the backrest as well, going harder on each one of his thrusts. And it was the end for the both of us.

They came in a loud moan, a little delayed while Minho rode both of their highs, until Jisung giggled his ass away from overstimulation.

"Time to shower my little rockstar" Minho chuckled as he kissed his lips, before carrying him through the house.

Hands brushing his body, softly tickling him unwillingly, he gave a few kisses at his nape under Jisung giggles

"I love it when you shower me"

"I love you"

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