Chapter 17

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Minho spent his entire sunday in his bedroom, lights turned off and curtains pulled, reading on his phone the many publications about him.

He didn't had much social media at the moment (none, he deleted tiktok after finding Jisung's edits from his fans) and Sunday meant that JYPE was closed. Out of boredom and morbid curiosity, what's better than reading about how many people wants him to die ? Yeah, good choice, right ?

Who is Lee Minho, the ex of the famous Han Jisung from 3Racha ?

"Well, who am I?" Minho dryly muttered to himself, clicking on the article

Lee Minho is known as a great dancer from JYPE. He works under the dance team, which means he works everyday with idols and teach them.

"Why is that important" He rolled his eyes

He is 25 years old, from Seoul and grown up in a loving family of lawyers.

"This is awfully false" He blinked, finding it almost funny.

He allegedly has been flirting with Jisung for months, from what the staff had reported, and the two have been seen being lovey dovey eveywhere at the company.

"That's still... very false"

A staff had reported and described him as a 'fake and very aggressive man', who would 'speak harshly to everyone, even condescending to staffs' and also would 'belittle the idols and make them cry when he was with them'.

"Well, I may have made a few cry from being too rude as a teacher but I always apologized... Never I spoke harshly to anyone there..." He defended, groaning under his breath.

Is someone like that really necessary ? Do we need snakes biting at our lovely idols ? Has he been hostile towards Jisung as well ? What do you think ?

He huffed, feeling boiling from anger at the statement.

He took a look at the comments, and after thousands of insults, he searched for more articles.

Lee Minho: JYPE's heartbreaker

He chuckled at the title, finding so silly.

He chuckled at the title, finding so silly

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"Mmh... At least I look good on the pic" He muttered, and nodded when a few comments threw some compliments about his looks, before flooding with atrocities.

Minho has officially been dating Han Jisung, or J.One from 3Racha. It seemed as a curious news so we took interest on it. Firstly, the fact that a non-straight dating scandal got on the news, internet shook ! While korean conservatives get really offended by it (and with good reasons!), foreigners had gotten curious. That's why we're going to break down this character for every foreigner readers !

"Not political at all" He ironically commented, rolling his eyes.

Minho is a crazy serial dater ! He has been allegdly dating thousands of male idols in the industry, jumping from males to males to ruin their career and their hearts. It may also have been dating a few girls, and guess who ? Woojin, the former soloist ; Lucas, ex-NCT ; Jinnie from NMIX (with who he has been working for months ...) 

YES! Every idol that had a scandal and ended up stopping their career ! Minho is a sneaky man...

He blinked, actually shocked from so many bullshit.

But a last question itches us: why is Han Jisung under no harm in this story ? He's gay as well, and he failed his task as an idol ! Our answer is easy : the poor boy was corrupted by the dancer. Jisung seemed to be way more happier since the breakup has been announced, and everyone seemed to be sending him tons of good messages since then. Jisung is free !

"Well... this is not painful at all" He stated, chuckling dryly as he hurried to wipe the tear forming in his eyes.

What if they were right ? What if Jisung was really happier to not be under Minho's spell ? Has Minho beeing so wrong ? Did he read the signals too badly ?

It hurt.

He wondered calling Hyunjin or Felix.

He started wondering there was so many articles about him, and why most of them were flooded with fake informations about him. Were they trying to ruin him? Has been people lying about him?

He was a nobody. It was so distressing to see so many things about him.

He recalled the people now sending trucks in front of JYPE, begging for Minho to go away.

It was heart clenching.

He needed someone to talk to. But his best friends ? No. He had been annoying them too much already.

Other friends ? It's not like Minho was a social butterfly... The ones that were closer to friends were Chan and Changbin, and there was no way he was calling any of them.

After hesitating for a moment, he decided to call the one he had been wary about.

It had been a long time, a year maybe, but at this point nothing could be worse than calling her.

He dialed her number, putting the phone on his ear and closing his eyes tightly, somehow hoping she won't respond.

But she did, and no voice was heard until Minho's shaken up voice spoke up.

"Mom" He called, voice wavering

"What minho?" She said, harshly

He winced at her tone. She didn't change at all.

Had she learn about all of this mess ?

"I- hi" He let out, not knowing how to start the conversation

"What do you want ?" She huffed "If you need money, just tell me and I'll send what I have, which isn't much, but make it quick" She added, sounding annoyed already.

His heart clenched some more. He remembered how emotionnally unavailable she was.

"I'm ... having a hard time" He confessed

"Well thats the course of your actions, what do you want me to tell you ?" She huffed, now bringing Minho to the edge.

"Can you stop being mad at me?" He blurted out in anger "I'm not doing good for fuck's sake !"

"I'm still disappointed in you minho" She stated,

"I'm your son !" He yelled at the phone, in total despair

"Who left me alone with the farm to take care of" She responded, spitting venom with each words.

He sighed loudly.

"Can't I live my fucking dream ?" He yelled more, still flabbergasted at this.

"People like us don't get to dream, Minho. When dancing won't work anymore, you'll understand why the farm was your father's only choice" She spitted, madness hitting Minho like knives.

 "I knew I shouldnt have called you, bye" He said, not interested in comfort anymore.

"Minh-" She called, before getting hung up on.

He threw his phone on the bed, laying his face on his pillow to sigh loudly.

At the end, he wasn't so hungry, and wasn't so in need to move from the bed.

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