Chapter 22

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"Can you not?" Chan nagged as soon as he arrived into the studio, crossing his arms at the awful sight.

Jisung was sitting at the desk, a huge blanket wrapped around him as he tapped on his keyboard, dark circles painting around his eyes.

"Leave me alone" Jisung muttered

"Bro, you can't stay here the entire night and let me act as if nothing happened" He scolded, getting more firm

"Whatever" He rolled his eyes.

Chan sighed loudly, trying to bear with the fact that he had to take care of an adult acting as a teenager, once again.

As Changbin entered, he noticed the weird tension. He went behind Jisung, putting his hand on his shoulders to massage it a bit.

"Let's talk about it, mmh?" He tried

"Never" Jisung mumbled

"Ji, don't let last year happen all over again" Chan pleaded

"It won't" He scoffed

"Friday night, the restaurant" Changbin said

"Yes?" Jisung asked, before looking at them when they were silent "He's joining in, isn't he ?"

"He might ..." Changbin said

"I'm not going" Jisung responded

"You are" Chan insisted

"No" He continued

"Yes" Changbin joined in.

"Over my dead body"

At the restaurant, Jisung's leg was shaking.

Minho had just entered the door, and upon noticing his widened eyes, Jisung knew he should have not let his two friends bring him here.

Minho frowned, walking to the table

Minho was stunned to see 3racha there. Most of the things didn't sit right to him, and he felt his discomfort raising.

"Um... Isn't it... a bad idea ?" He said, looking around him and pointing at the three idols.

"Things changed" Changbin stated with a little smile, trying to calm him.

"I can guarantee no pics of us would be out on medias" Chan added with a confident tone.

"Do you mind ?" Changbin asked

"I couldn't care less" He shrugged, sitting next to Felix "I just wondered, mostly for you three" He chuckled dryly "Wouldn't want your careers to be over already" He joked, a sharp one.

That hurt Jisung's mind.

"No one's career are going to be affected by this" Chan said, knowing very well Minho's comment was made to sting

"Well, I hope not" Felix chuckled

Not again, Huh? Minho suppressed to say.

"We've been doing this for a moment already, nothing ever happened" Hyunjin reassured

"What happened with the sites ?" Minho asked curiously "I stopped when it would already have been 3 articles named like 'OMG Han Jisung sitting at a table with his ex : Discover how Lee Minho mentally abused the latter'" He cynically commented, making most of the boys at the table laugh, while Jisung silently winced.

It was weird to finally see Minho referring at the last relationship, but the sarcasm lacing the words were sharper than knives.

"We... got convincing" Chan said

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