Chapter 15

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After the end of his week off, Minho had eventually to go back to work, which scared the shit out of him.

His main concern was seeing Jisung.

As much as he craved for the single sight of him, he didn't know how to bear with it. He didn't know if he would try to talk to him and make him uncomfortable, or just straight up ending crying loudly in the middle of the corridor.

He still couldn't shake off the strong stinging sensation in his heart every time he thought of the younger.

He couldn't believe he had met and got so close to his soulmate, and now it was as if they didn't know each other.

Weeks earlier, he was pounding him on the couch and kissing him to sleep, and now he's crying, his heart sore with sorrow.

At some point, when he finally gathered enough courage to leave the house, he finally realized how bad it was for him now.

Minho had always pitied Jisung for how shitty it was to be followed in the street and all the bullshit, always pretty much sure it would never happen to him.

But well, destiny had some funny turn of events for Minho.

Apparently, the public didn't want to forget about the fact he was dating an idol.

Getting out had become a torture, thousands of people taking pictures of him, trying to nudge him and approach him to have news about him and Jisung's ancient relationship.

They knew where he lived, and at soon as he stepped out, even with a disguise, they would harass him until he was out of sight.

As soon as he approached JYPE, they would harass him.

A few even stalked him all the way back home, mostly crazy bitches in total delusion.

Not only the breakup was hard, but now the pressure of the media gave more pain.

And the harassment obviously didn't stop at the real life matter.

Digital matter was harder. 

First, he hadn't checked his DM's in weeks, the last time he did, he regretted.

kill yourself

how dare you date jisung ??

pretty sure jisung used you

why did you corrupted him you piece of shit ?

you're not worth of someone like jisung

you're so ugly and fat, kys

if i find u i'll kill you

That stressed him to the core.

The insults came and go, and he didn't really matter at this point. They could find him ugly if they wanted, that never bugged Minho.

The comments over Jisung were hard to swallow though. He was hurting enough like that, but people HAD to deepen the knife in his heart.

But the most terrifying, was the number of death threats he received.

They brought to him a deep feeling of insecurity. He knew he should take them seriously, but he couldn't help but wonder if someone was actually able to do it.

At some point, he even had a fan pushing him violently in the streets, out of nowhere.

Also, Minho had a hard time dealing with all the "kill yourself" messages.

Well, he had tried already in the past, so he tried to humor the situation by saying they were a few years late.

But then he realized that no humour could help the feeling from going away.

However he wanted it or not, the deep feeling of being stuck in dark places was slowly creeping up on him, and he was terrified of not surviving it.

Anyway, he was thankful of things: his friends, and dancing. Just like they saved his life a few years ago, they continued.

But... the comments on his last dance video weren't what he needed.


why does it dances like that lmaoo

now i understand why jisung was in love with him

horrible you should stop 



stop dancing bro you're terrible at it

That strucked his ego, hard.

He knew most of them were lying through gritted teeth, but still. Dancing was his thing, and they tried to push him out of it.

Hyunjin and Felix eventually tried to help upon noticing the harassment.

They started by deleting comments on their instagrams, until they completely unvailabled the comment section.

As much as it pained them to not have feedback, they didn't hesitate. Minho's mental health was at risk, and they weren't going to try.

They also did their best to distract Minho from social medias, but they didn't even need to.

Minho ended up deleting most of the apps.

They didn't know if they should be content that Minho was escaping this hate train, or sad that Minho had to filter his own activities only to not be harrassed more.

It was also hard to reason with someone like Minho, who did his very best to act as if none of it was fazing him, even though it was clear in his eyes he was hurt.

At the end, they spent most of their time with him. They invited him at their flat so Minho would be more peaceful, they pushed him out and protected him from stupid medias, and did their best to make him smile.

But one thing was bugging them.

Why wasn't the company doing anything to stop this ?

Why wasn't 3racha doing any statement to lessen the damage ?

Why wasn't Jisung reacting to the literal violent harassment his ex boyfriend was living ?

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