Chapter 6

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"And he responded what ??" Changbin asked, smiling excitedly at his friend

"That he wasn't playing around" Jisung giggled

"So you like him?" Chan asked, raising an eyebrow

"I'm getting there, I think" Jisung smiled "I'm still testing the waters, but I'll dive in whenever he tries something" He added.

"You got lucky" Changbin responded

"Mmh" Chan muttered, looking skeptical

"Is there something wrong ?" Jisung asked, frowning slightly

"Nah... I'm just... wondering" Chan said, shrugging

"Explain" Jisung said, kind of wary

"Don't forget who we are" Chan stated "I'm not mistrusting him, I'm pretty sure I trust him, as well as Hyunjin and Lixie, but you need to make sure he doesn't have sick intentions" He insisted firmly

"Yes, of course" Jisung said softly, somehow moved Chan cared for him

"Also, do you feel like hiding it well ?" Changbin asked curiously

"Yeah, I don't really mind" Jisung shrugged "I just hope he understands what he gets in for dating an idol" He added

"Maybe you should have a talk with him about it" Chan added

"Yeah, if something does happen, I'll make sure he's ready for all those" He muttered.

"When are you seeing him again ?" Changbin asked

"Today" Jisung muttered shyly, tapping quickly on his laptop

"Mmh, that's why you're speeding up work today" Chan chuckled

"I don't know what you're talking about" He chuckled awkwardly.

Minho smiled to himself as he walked to the door, the knocking was getting loud as seconds passed.

He opened the door with a wide smile.

"You don't need to knock so much, you barely waited 5 seconds" Minho joked, letting the younger enter.

"It was 6 seconds" Jisung responded jokingly, voice muffled.

Minho watched as Jisung tore every piece of his disguise. He unwrapped the scarf around his neck and mouth, tore out the mask, took his sunglasses off, and then the beanie.

"Are you hiding from medias or from police with all this ?" Minho teased, helping him take his coat off and bringing it to the hanger.

"We never know" He chuckled, before sniffing the air and smiling widely "You cooked ?" he asked excitedly

"I did" Minho said, giving him his hand for the younger to take, before bringing him to the kitchen "Home made sashimi and jjajangmyeon" He said with a proud expression

"Really ?" He exclaimed "How do you know my favorite food ?" He giggled

"I googled it" Minho shrugged, watching as Jisung laughed at it

"Taking advantage of the fact I'm famous, I see" He joked, and watched Minho smile

"It has it's fair share of advantages" Minho cockily responded.

Jisung watched him fondly, before taking this way of conservation to ask about a few things he was wary of.

"Like what ?" He said, sitting at the table, mouth watering with all the good plates.

"There's a lot" Minho shrugged, walking to the fridge "Wine or Water ?" He asked again

"I'll go for wine today, I need to get bold" He said with a little smirk

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