Chapter 13

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Minho had just arrived at his flat after a long day of work. He stirred his limp body as he decided to go cook dinner.

He was waiting for Jisung's phone call, as the latter should finish work soon. He hoped the boy would like the dinner he had prepared, as he tried something new today.

After listening to a few of 3racha's song, he got curious as a few notifications cut the music for a second. So he walked to his phone.




you should take a look at that

'Dispatch: Is Han Jisung of 3Racha dating someone ?'

He frowned, not liking what he was reading.

Minho felt his blood freeze upon clicking on the article.

Here he was, obviously in his room, taking Jisung by the waist while kissing and smiling lovingly at him, while the pictures have been taken from the street, taking a snippet of their loving moment by the window. How intrusive was it.

Reporters had taken pictures of the two of them, completely indivading their privacy, with no shame.

Minho chuckled dryly, wondering why Jisung and him had stopped themselves to go on outside dates for month for the sake of not being caught, only to be caught at their own house.

You could clearly see Minho's face in a few of them, as well as Jisung's on the others.

They were fucked.

His hand shook as he sent it to Jisung, in complete shock of what he should do.




'Dispatch: Is Han Jisung of 3racha dating someone ?'


He sat down on the couch, putting his phone somewhere as he let his head fall in his hands. Leg bouncing and lip biten, he waited.

Thoughts spiraling and mind breaking, he started wondering how will Jisung take it. How would himself take it.

He waited, again and again, for Jisung to answer.

Hours later of pure torture for Minho, Jisung finally answered.



can you come at the company rn ?


i'll be there in 5

It took everything for him to not burst into tears on his way.

He thought going there by walk would benefit him, but not when his face has been threw on internet and shared multiple times.

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