Chapter 38

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Minho spent the entire train ride watching Jisung's features, his eyes pressed close as he slept soundlessly.

Waking him up was the hardest thing he did, having to pull him away from his soft slumber, and watching his confused eyes blinking.

Walking on the streets, the path was silent. Jisung wanted to ask for Minho's thought, and he ended up being brave enough to do it.

"Are you worried ?" Jisung asked, taking Minho away from his thoughts.

"Kind of" He stated, shrugging.

Jisung didn't know what to say. It was clear he was stressed, and he didn't want to annoy him more. Softly, he grabbed his hand, and he smiled when Minho hold it back tightly.

"There's pictures of us two taking the train" Minho stated, scrolling on his phone.

Jisung looked at him, trying to read his expression. He didn't know if the boy hated it, if it will push Minho more away, and he bit his lip anxiously

"Look, we're cute" He added, leaning to him as they walked and showing his phone.

"Look, we're cute" He added, leaning to him as they walked and showing his phone

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Jisung's heart warmed at that.

"The comments are yelling about us getting back together" Minho continued, smiling as he read.

"You're so giddy" Jisung chuckled

"It's cute" Minho muttered "There's another one, look"

"It's cute" Minho muttered "There's another one, look"

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Jisung looked at the picture, and laughed loudly.

"Why are you so threatening ?" He laughed more "That's scary"

"Really, you're all cute and I'm just behind glaring at them" He chuckled "Maybe my PTSDs aren't over"

"What are the comments saying ?" Jisung asked curiously

"They're talking about how you're being a babygirl and I'm trying to protect you" Minho snickered "They're not too wrong about that"

Jisung whined, hating the fact the entire world knew about him being a softie when he wanted to be cool.

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