Chapter 21

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"It's so strange being back here" Felix said, sitting on Minho's couch.

"I can relate" Minho chuckled, sitting next to him while he handed the two boys their beers.

"You have a shit ton of things to tell us, Min" Hyunjin asked, eager to know more.

"Well, where do I start?" 

"I actually would like to know... Why cutting ties with us...?" Felix asked

"I wanted a fresh start..." Minho admitted, he felt the shame, but didn't want to let it appear "I changed my number and changed my socials... so I didn't really had the opportunity to answer texts, nor I really wanted in all honesty"

"That's kinda trashy" Hyunjin commented

"I know, but it felt good doing so..."

"Anyway, it doesn't matter now that you apologized" Felix shrugged it off "What about there ? How did you live?"

"I rent a small flat. Promiscious but really nice" He stated proudly "I had two jobs to live comfortably, I worked as a waiter in a cute cafe, and I taught dance to kids"

"Really ? Awww" Felix pouted cutely

"You got back to the first years of being a dancer, huh?" Hyunjin stated with a chuckle.

"Well, yeah. I always loved working with kids here, and stopping to work at JYPE had saddened me back then. The kids in Japan were really good though, and they didn't mind my broken japanese" He chuckled

"But didn't it payed enough ? Why waiter?" Hyunjin asked curiously

"At first, just so I didn't have a hard time paying rent" He stated, before smirking slightly "And after, because I ended up being friends with the team, and it was easier to meet boys" He grinned

"BoyS?" Felix commented, raising an eyebrow

"Man, the gays there are something" He stated, passing a hand through his hair.

"Oooh, how many booty calls then ?" Hyunjin asked curiously

"A lot, actually. After the shitstorm, I had forgotten how handsome I actually am" He chuckled dryly "I had no problems finding boys to fuck, most of them came to me and I didn't need to do anything. My friends there also brought me to a few gay clubs, so... yeah... maybe around once a week?" He said, and chuckled when Hyunjin gasped.

"Fuck boy" Felix teased

"They say it's easier to soothe a heart" Minho dryly commented, letting the conversation slowly fall.

None of the boys knew how to respond to that, so Minho continued as if he had said nothing.

"And about you two ? Huh? Changbin and Seungmin?"

"Oh... yeah" Felix said, somehow shy.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier" Hyunjin started with a sad smile "The time Seungmin was finally ready to come out wasn't... the good one"

"I don't mind, if I was you I wouldn't date an idol, but yeah" He chuckled dryly

"I know how stupid it must be for you, but things really did change at JYPE" Felix smiled reassuringly"

"3racha worked hard for a change in the policy... They almost lost their job for that and had a harsh time fighting with the Head council" Hyunjin explained

"The boys came out publicly, I don't know if you saw that" Felix continued

"I didn't" He said, face neutral.

He did

"The conservatives were... really active on trying to cancel them..." Hyunjin bit his lip

He knows, He saw 

"But now it's... calmer" Felix nodded "They are banned from a lot of shows and had almost gone bankrupt when they did, but they don't care too much now." He reassured

"Wow" Minho only responded, somehow with a bitter aftertaste "Looks like when they want, they can" He sarcastically added, before brushing it off "You two are happy, aren't you?" He asked, genuinely wanting to know.

"We do" Felix smiled "And you, Min ?"

"You know how scared we were..." Hyunjin commented

"I- I know you were... I regret being too weak, and I can assure you" He coughed to hide the waver in his voice "But I feel genuinely good now. I feel better, greater, stronger" He commented, genuinely proud of himself "I learnt how and what to do to fight with korean medias while in there, so yeah... I don't fear much now"  

"That's really nice to hear" Felix smiled widely

"And... about Jisung...?" Hyunjin tentatively asked

"Who ?" He asked, blinking repeatdly

Both Hyunjin and Felix looked at each other, dumbfounded.

"Did you... genuinely forgot or are you faking it?" Hyunjin asked while narrowing his eyes at the boy

"Get your two neurones back into your reflective process and answer that question by yourself" Minho nagged, hitting him on the forehead.

"Damn, alright" Hyunjin whined, rubbing his forehead

Minho's phone started suddenly blaring, and he excused himself to take the call

"What was that ?" Felix whispered to Hyunjin with widened eyes.

"I knew it was strange when he greeted Jisung... But this ???!" He responded with the same energy back.

"I wonder what kind of eletric shock Jisung must be having... Changbin told me he went back to closing himself in his room" Felix explained, biting his lip in worry.

"It's kinda fucked up... But after living so much, we can't blame Min..." Hyunjin whispered, before acting as if nothing happened when an excited Minho got back into the room.

He smiled widely as he sat on the couch, looking at his friends proudly.

"Ahh, I've been waiting for this call since I'm back" He stated "Guess what?" Minho asked, a crooked smile on his face

"Mmh ?"

"I'm back in JYPE" He let out, and smiled widely when the two boys stood up abruptly.

They yelled in victory, while jumping around. Minho only watched them with a smile on his face, trying to keep hidden the deep apprehension he was feeling.

Walking in JYPE's corridors after everything that happened was nerve wrecking. He hid it well, trying to seem as confident as he could, and it did worked. It work so well he felt powerful when the Boss of the company apologized so much.

He tried to hide the giddiness he felt for dancing again. He tried to hide the happiness he felt to be back into the practice room he loved so much. He tried to hide the slight fear of disappointing himself.

And Minho had become a great actor during his year away. Or a liar, if you prefer.

Crossing path with ex coworkers was fun, as most of them acted to excited to see him again.

Crossing path with NMix was fun, as they were explaining to him how they hoped Minho would choregraph more for tem.

But crossing path with Jisung was still highly unsettling.

Not only for Minho, who was deep into his new mindset.

But also for Jisung, who didn't know how to react.

"Hi, Minho" Jisung let out when he passed by him, testing the waters, while Minho's reaction kept confusing him.

He bowed, formally greeting the boy, before walking ahead as if it was nothing.

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