Chapter 35

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"He said he loves me!" Jisung yelled through the entire flat, excitedly giggling as he explained to his friends

"Well, I was right then, you should just wait for his brain to click" Chan said smugly

"I have no idea what made him switch like that BUT I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY" Jisung continued in his little cloud 9.

"Hyun told me he sent him our interview, maybe it helped" Changbin said

"Or maybe ask him" Chan proposed

"You think I should ?" Jisung asked, unsure "Shouldn't I let him alone for a while ?"

"Well, Minho is too complicated to read" Changbin chuckled

"Right" Jisung huffed.

"What are you doing here ?" Minho blinked, surprised to see a smiley Jisung at his door.

"Um" Jisung cleared his throat, now really unsure of the decision he took "I thought we could... have a talk and have some time" He smiled embarassingly "Like friends, right ?" He smiled more.

"Oh, yeah okay" Minho responded, slightly taken aback, but nonetheless letting the younger enter.

"I brought some food" He showed his bag "I know I can't cook like the chef you are, so I brought some stuff from the korean barbecue restaurant at the end of the street".

"Oh wow" Minho stated, helping him with the bag and checking the content "That's sweet of you, you didn't have to" He let out with a little smile.

"Let's just warm it up" Jisung offered

"Right, let me just wear something better" Minho chuckled awkwardly, looking down at his pajamas

"Oh, of course" Jisung blushed slightly "Sorry, I didn't announce, go freshen up, i'll warm the food"


He let out a loud breath as he entered the kitchen. He hadn't think twice before taking the decision of coming here unannounced, but he was glad Minho didn't reject it.

He warmed the food, before nicely putting the table, as well as stealing a bottle of wine from Minho's fridge. Minho would have offered anyway.

Upon noticing the older in the kitchen, he smiled to himself. He could never get used to how pretty he was.

"Smells good" Minho said, sitting at the table with a satisfied grin.

"I stole some wine, you want some as well ?" Jisung asked, sitting as well.

"Of course you would want wine" He chuckled "Why not" He added, raising his glass for Jisung to serve.

"What you told me yesterday" Jisung started, wanting to talk about it

"Oh, yes" Minho scratched the back of his head embarassingly "Sorry, I was a bit out of it"

"No, why are you apologizing ? It was really sweet" He smiled 

"But a bit... out of place. I can't reject you and then run after you to say ... what I said" He responded unseasily

"But I liked hearing that you loved me" Jisung smiled, digging in the food "I love you too, by the way" He let out, half munching.

"I know you do" Minho smiled to himself, digging in as well.

"What made you switch ?"

"I never actually stopped loving you" Minho blurted out, and Jisung got taken aback.

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