Chapter 40

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Waking up with Minho's warm body pressed against his brought huge giddiness to Jisung.

Minho has been awfully cute, and confusedly boyfriend like. But Jisung loved it, every second of it.

They have to go back home tonight, but he had no want to leave the bed at the moment. 

He turned back in the bed, pressing and nuzzling his head on Minho's chest as he grasped his shirt in his hands.

"Cute" Minho mumbled, a hand now caressing his hair.

Jisung wanted to kiss him. He wanted to raise his head and press his lips on his. They haven't kissed since they had a steamy moment at the party, and he missed it. A lot.

He felt a kiss getting pressed on his forehead, as he smiled widely, looking up at the boy.

"Let's get up, mmh ?" Minho said, looking endearingly at the younger

"No" Jisung frowned

"Come on" 

"No" Jisung insisted, holding him tightly

"What should I do to make you up, mmH?" He asked, smiling

"Give me motivation" Jisung asked shyly

"What kind ?"

Jisung pursued his lips, he looked silly, but wanted his kiss.

Minho genuinely chuckled at his cuteness, before grabbing his cheeks and approaching his face, pecking the boy's lips quickly.

"I might give you more if you brush your teeth beforehands" He taunted, and couldn't help but laugh at Jisung's offended expression.

The day was brighter than the last. The house was filled with happy conversations and jokes, the family rebuilding their relationship.

Mother and son cooked lunch together, while Jisung tried his best to help the two.

"No, Jisung" Minho repeated

"Aeri, help me" Jisung pouted

"Why don't you let the boy help you?" Aeri nagged, cooing at Jisung's pout.

"I don't trust him in a kitchen" Minho frowned "He usually sits somewhere and look pretty while I cook" He added firmly

Aeri couldn't help but look fondly at his son, heart warming at the very obvious love he had for the younger.

"Sorry Jisung, I can't help you" She said with a chuckle

"Why" He whined

"That's his love language, let him express himself" She whispered at the younger, winking right after

"I heard that" Minho muttered.

And as always, lunch was delicious.

And this time, lunch was filled with laughs and talks.

Jisung would even drop out of the conversation, only to observe the two as they got lost in their little conversation, and Jisung felt too proud of Minho.

"Minho" Aeri called, entering the living room the two boys have been dedicated to stay in.

"Yes ?" 

"There's a nice restaurant that opened at the center" She said, crossing her arms.

"Mmh, really ?" He nodded

"It's for couples apparently, they give heart-shaped candies" She continued, trying to drop hints

"That's cheesy" Minho frowned

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