Chapter 43

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"'Discover how Lee Minho is manipulating Han Jisung from 3racha'" Minho read out loud from his phone, snickering at the ridiculous title.

"God, tell me Minho. I need to know" Jisung joked, his hand tightly grabbing his thigh "I still can't believe you're manipulating me like that".

"Damn, Min. That's really disappointing of you" Chan joined in the banter, shaking his head as he laughed.

"'Minho is officially unofficially dating again the idol, or at least that is what their fans are saying after the said man posted a picture of the idol in their intimacy'" He read, scoffing "As if they didn't pictured us in our intimacy a year ago" He rolled his eyes

"Intimacy ?" Changbin repeated, laughing

"They might have discovered it was a post-sex pic" Chan teased

"There's no way they know that" Jisung defended, blushing slightly

"I think they do know" Minho joined in "Hyunjin texted me a shit ton of messages when I posted it, and apparently, your disheaveled hair and the messed up bed seem to be enough proof. He yelled at my ears for hours when I saw him at the company"

"How does it feels to know the world knows that you get fucked in the ass ?" Changbin teased, laughing loudly right after.

"Hey!" Jisung narrowed his eyes "Maybe they think I'm the top"

"No way, hun" Minho shook his head.

"They litterally call you baby girl" Chan added

"You're the princess of the group and you know that" Changbin joined in

Jisung only whined as a response, too bothered.

"Anyway, Minho, are you reading the rest?" Chan asked

"Yep" He said, picking up his phone "Nevermind, the article has just been deleted" He chuckled

"JYPE doing god's work" Jisung responded

"Yep, thanks to a very smart boy" Minho said, pecking his cheek delicately

"Enough with PDA" Changbin rolled his eyes

They left the dorms to go back to the company.

Chan and Changbin may have agreed to go there later, Minho had to work on a dance and Jisung gladly accepted to walk with him. He might as well intrude the practice and watch the beggining of Minho's lesson. 

"Are you coming at the dorms this weekend ?" Jisung asked

"Nah, sorry" He pouted "I'm going to Gimpo"

"Oh ?" Jisung smiled widely

"I'm a man of my words" He chuckled "And I actually want to see her"

"I'm proud of you" He said, watching the glint in his eyes

"Do you want to come with me ?" He offered

"Nah, it's okay. You'd need some alone time with her as well" Jisung responded

"That's true" He smiled at his boy "It's thanks to you Ji, thank you"

"I did nothing"

"No, you showed me how to fix my relationship with my mother" He responded, frowning.

"I didn't" He shook his head "I refuse taking any part on this"

"Alright" Minho giggled "But you have to admit you helped me see how to be with you"

"Maybe I did" He responded, feeling his heart burst.

They got interrupted by the sudden flashes of paparazzis as they approached the JYP building.

Minho frowned, not liking how they interrupted their sweet moment, while Jisung couldn't help but look worringly at Minho.

Noticing his concerned eyes, Minho stopped on his tracks.

Grabbing Jisung by the hips, he pulled him closer, latching their lips together in a sweet kiss, somehow long, smirking at the end before looking back at the cameras and winking.

"Show off" Jisung teased, nudging him.

"Well, I have my reasons" Minho shrugged "And showing you off is the thing I'm the most proud of"

"My manager is going to have a heart attack" Jisung admitted, chuckling "But it's worth it"

"Is it ?" Minho smiled sweetly, holding his hand tightly.

"More than anything else"

The end :)

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