Chapter 24

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"You'll work on 3racha"

Since Minho was assigned to 3racha for dancing managment, it soon became nerve wracking for everyone.

Minho was trying to wonder how to face Jisung 3 times a week for hours long, without exploding along the way.

Chan and Changbin were wondering how Jisung would take it.

And Jisung was trying to think how he'll support everything. How he'll be able to overcome his feelings, the bursting need to cry as well as having to face Minho as if nothing happened.

He felt betrayed that they actually gave the role to Minho, while they had been actively trying to separate the two a year ago.

When Minho entered the practice room, the awkward ambiance was already settled.

"Have you stirred already?" Minho asked, looking at the three boys while keeping his composure.

"Yep" Chan nodded, sitting on the ground.

"Alright" Minho said, walking to the speakers "So I listened to the title track, and I had a few ideas along the way. I usually work on choreos on my side, then show the performers whatever they prefer, is it alright for you?" He asked, staying as professional as he could.

"Yeah, perfect" Changbin nodded.

For the next 30 minutes, the four boys sat on the couch, watching and analyzing the four choreos Minho had prepared for the song. Pure torture for Jisung.

Imagine watching for half an hour your perfect ex boyfriend shaking his ass in a practice room with poor lightning, while having to not drool over every hip rolls nor cry every time he remembers he couldn't have him anymore. Harsh.

The next minutes filled with negociation, while the boys chose which choreo to make for the song, while Jisung was awfully silent.

"Jisung ? Would you like to make an opinion as well?" Minho asked, eyes not crossing his.

"I preferred the second one" He muttered "The others are really nice as well, but... I don't feel like it matches well our vibe"

Minho frowned at that. His work was to purposefully hit their vibe in the process, so he didn't like the comment, but shrugged it off.

"Then it's settled, we'll go for the second one" Minho said "But for Silent cry, I was thinking of something, and I don't think you'll agree on"

"Jisung was the one to write it, maybe you can decide" Changbin said, turning to Jisung.

Of course Jisung would write the song, that didn't surprised Minho.

"To play with the sadness of the song, I was thinking of something sexy" Minho proposed.

"Sexy ?" Jisung frowned "The song is heart wrenching, not ass clenching" 

Changbin cackled at that.

"Yeah, I know" Minho rolled his eyes "But the main purpose of the song, is that it's a 'silent' cry. When you listen to the song without hearing the lyrics, you don't immediately get how deep the feelings are. It's a disguise. So dancing over with sexy moves is just another distraction, another disguise for the cries" Minho explained, now looking at Jisung.

"I think I get it" Jisung nodded "It's a good idea actually... But isn't it unsettling ? Doesn't it ruin the vibe ?"

"It's just made purposefully to mess with people's perception, just like your song, isn't it the point to unsettle ?" Minho asked back.

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