Chapter 37

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"Min" Jisung called, softly patting his arm

"Mmh" Minho muttered sleepily

"Wake up" He patted more

"Mmh" Minho didn't budge

"MINHO" He called louder, as the other opened his eyes wide, slowly coming to realization

"What ? Yes ? I'm up" He said, eyes blinking repeatedly

"You have to let go of me" Jisung giggled "I need to go to the toilets"

"Oh" Minho stated, looking at his arms wrapped tightly around his waist "Yes, sorry" He responded, but still didn't move.

Jisung jiggled out of his grasp, before standing up and facing the boy, who smirked at the sight.

"Shit, we forgot to wash off" Minho realized, looking at them both and how dirty they still looked

"We fell asleep right away" Jisung chuckled "Join me in the shower then" He winked at the boy, before grabbing a towel and hurrying to the bathroom.

Sleepily and with a wide smile on his face, he stood up, searching around the room for something to put on, so he wouldn't walk in the corridors completely naked. He grabbed Jisung's joggers, not daring to put anything else, and walked out of the room.

Facing Changbin first thing first, he blinked, hiding his upper body and the disgusting substances on him.

Changbin only blinked back, before rushing to his own room. It was too early to comment on that.

Entering the bathroom and hearing the shower going on, he heard a little shriek coming from the boy.

"It's me" Minho reassured, chuckling as he brought the joggers down.

"Oh, you scared me" Jisung responded

"You were the one inviting me" Minho smirked, entering the shower.

"I didn't think you would accept" He responded with a soft and joyful smile.

Jisung turned the shower head to Minho, as the latter whined because of the cold. Grabbing the soap, he approached the boy to hold him, as well as rubbing the boy entirely, washing him with care. Jisung could only look at his concentrated expression, feeling worshipped to be taken care of.

"Do you regret ?" Jisung asked soundlessly, staring at him with uneasy eyes.

Minho stared back, giving him a soft smile.

"I don't" He responded, eyes lost in his "Do you ?"

"No" Jisung responded, smiling widely.

Washed off, all clean and clothes back on (which was a hard task for Minho to accept) they agreed on eating breakfast altogether.

Even though it was pretty clear that they loved each other, wanted each other and had been enough intimate to call each other's theirs, they still decided to not talk about it, and let the situationship install in between them.

But even if Minho never wanted to be in this situation, nor Jisung liked the whole blur, both of them didn't mind. As Jisung said, it was more a soon-to-be relationship than a situationship, so it didn't really matter.

"Min ?" Jisung called, munching his cereals and scrolling on his phone.

"Mmh ?"

"What are you doing next weekend ?" He asked

"I might be on your couch sipping on a beer and giving punches to Hyunjin, why ?" Minho responded, making Jisung chuckle.

"Okay" Jisung smiled to himself, tapping on his phone, before turning it to Minho "I bought you train tickets for Gimpo" He stated

"W-what ?" He frowned, looking at the screen, before falling into a pout and soft eyes "Why would you do that ? I've already received my pay"

"Were you going to buy those ? Or were you going to act as if you forgot and not take action ?" Jisung asked with a raise of his eyebrow.

"You know me well" Minho huffed, before taking his own phone "Would you like to come with me ?" He offered

"Huh?" Jisung's eyes widened

"No pressure, if you don't feel it, don't" Minho reassured

"No, but like... You're inviting me ?" He frowned "At your mom's house ? With who you're not on speaking terms ? Me ?"

"Yes ?" Minho stated, blinking

"Why ?"

"I'll be less awkward having you around" He shrugged, scrolling on his phone

"And how would you introduce me to your mom?" Jisung frowned more

"She already heard about you, I'll just say you're the infamous boy" He stated mindlessly

"Oh" He responded, slightly flustered.

"Wanna come ?" Minho asked again, looking at him.

"Well... yes... that's sweet of you to invite me" He smiled at the boy

"Cool, I just bought the tickets" He smiled "It would have been awkward if you said no and I had to ask for refund" 

Jisung snickered at that, shaking his head in disbelief.

"You invited him to your mom's ??" Hyunjin asked in total shock


"Have you even told her ?" Felix asked


"Is she gonna be okay... talking to you AND your crush / lover / ex-boyfriend ?" Hyunjin continued

"No idea"

"This is a weird ass situation you put yourself in" Felix stated

"Yes" Minho chuckled "But I think it'll be nice"

"YOU think it'll be nice to see YOUR mother ? Have you hit your head while fucking into Jisung ? Has his ass the power of changing minds ?" Hyunjin stated, inspecting Minho's head worriedly.

"Shut up" He groaned, pushing Hyunjin away "Last time I talked to her, she asked me when I'll pass by, so I guess she might be secretly happy to see me. She also knows about Jisung, and told me to stop being a coward, so at this point, she might even help me wife Jisung up" 

"OOOOH" Both of the boys started giggling

"You're thinking about wifing him up ?" Felix asked with a wide smile.

"AAAH" Hyunjin fanboyed "You're considerating it!"

"Don't tell him" Minho awkwardly responded, turning his head away so they won't notice his flustered state.

"By the way, you have a nice bare ass Min" Hyunjin stated

"I hate you, I hate that you can't knock at doors" Minho groaned

"I didn't think that by opening his door, I'll see my best friend balls deep into his ex-boyfie, sorry" He rolled his eyes.

"He asked me to wash his eyes right after" Felix mentionned, laughing loudly at that.

"But Jisung's body is really pretty" Hyunjin said with a teasing tone, looking at Minho and noticing his narrowed eyes.

"The prettiest" Minho muttered to himself.

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