Chapter 34

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"Lee Minho !" Hyunjin called, running after him on the corridors.

Minho sighed loudly, before turning to the boy calling him.

He had hidden for long enough, now it was time to listen and accept some help.

He would never admit it, but the words of his mother got stucked in his mind. Yes, he was a coward. And yes, maybe at some point he'll be able to face his fear. But was it a little bit too soon ? Yeah. Maybe.

Hyunjin smiled widely upon noticing the boy finally accepting him, and he ran to him, engulfing him in a tight and forced hug, while Minho stiffened.

"I'm so, so sorry" Hyunjin mumbled

"I'm not mad, Hyun" Minho reassured, awkwardly patting his back.

"Chan explained what happened..." He said

"Yeah..." He winced "I don't like this"

"Let's talk, alright ?"

"... I don't really have a choice, don't I ?" Minho asked playfully


They sat on the dance room, both sitting beside each other as Minho was painfully awkward, but Hyunjin was used to this behavior.

"I thought you'll accept, to be honest" Hyunjin stated

"I want to, don't get me wrong" Minho corrected "I- I just think I could mess it up"

"How ?"

"I'm just- ... scared of getting my life ruined once more..." He stated, lowering his head "I would blame him. I know I could get mad at him... And he was right, he had warned me about it... And at the time I thought I was stronger than that"

"But at my birthday, you yelled at him that you could accept anything if he was beside you, wasn't it ?" Hyunjin asked, tentatively


"Don't you think you could ?" He asked with a soft smile "Do you want him ?"

"... I need to work on myself first" Minho mumbled

"Wasn't it what you did in Japan ?" Hyunjin teased, nudging him "I think you're ready, but you're searching up excuses"

Minho frowned at that.

Hyunjin wasn't wrong, and he didn't like that.

"I have to go, Min. The dancers are waiting." He said, patting his back and standing up, walking to the door "I've sent you something that should interest you, check your messages" Hyunjin softly said, before closing the door.

Minho frowned, clicking on the notification.

He got surprised upon noticing an interview. A 3racha interview, who was most likely recorded on those last days.

 He wanted to not watch, he didn't think he was already ready to hear Jisung. But his heart chose otherwise.

"You are one of the very rare self producing groups. How does it feel ?" The interviewer asked

"It's very intense, and it gets really hard some moments. But overall, it's our dream, and it's what we worked for, so we couldn't be more glad" Chan responded, smiling brightly

"What's the producing process ?" She asked curiously

"Well, most of our lyrics come from our each and individual writing process. Then, when he think we found the perfect song, we talk about it and procede in making the beat, that Chan does, and then we do our own parts on the music. Arranging it, reworking the lyrics, and record ourselves" Changbin explained

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