Chapter 28

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Hyunjin crossed his arms when Minho opened his door.

Minho smiled shyly, trying to let him enter, but Hyunjin didn't budge.

"Why did you invite me here ?" Hyunjin asked

"Um... to talk ?" Minho grinned

"I'm mad at you" Hyunjin deadpanned.

Minho took a deep breath, before looking at his feet.

"Wanna watch 3racha's come back with me ?" He muttered shyly.

Hyunjin firstly rose an eyebrow, before chuckling, and nudging Minho out of the way.

"Get me a beer and some snacks, I'll wait for you on the couch"

"Damn, get it Changbin !" Hyunjin yelled through the living room, under Minho's incessant chuckles.

"They're doing so good" Minho exclaimed

"I can't believe they were so pressured and scared of fucking it up. Look at them EATING" Hyunjin praised more.

"Right" Minho nodded, eyes fixated on the screen, which might be related with the fact that it was Jisung's verse.

"Damn, and to say this magnificient boy was under your grasp" Hyunjin teased upon watching Jisung swiftly raising his shirt to flash his abs.

Hyunjin turned his head to Minho when the latter didn't respond.

He laughed loudly at the sight of his best friend, mouth agape and rosy cheeks.

"You're still damn bad, huh?" Hyunjin nudged him.

"Why do you think I don't want him around me ?" Minho jokingly scoffed

"To not jump at his bones ?" He smirked teasingly


"Now tell me, why didn't you fucked Seonghwa ? You two were eye-fucking each other the entire night" Hyunjin asked, eagerly eating his chips.

"There's things I would prefer not saying" Minho whined

"Man if you want me to excuse you for your dickhead move, you should tell me the tea" Hyunjin warned, and chuckled at the glare Minho gave me.

"You know Sunghoon?" He asked

"Yeah, Ji's close friend" 

"Yep, him"

"What about him ?"

"He forced me into a conversation, about the fact I used to date Jisung, right in front of Jisung" Minho rolled his eyes.

"Yeah... that looks like something he'd do" Hyunjin chuckled

"Are they a thing ?" Minho asked curiously

"Is that jealousy that I see ?" Hyunjin smiled 

"Yes, obviously, but are they ?" Minho asked again, really interested in the answer.

"Bro, no. Sunghoon is taken and Jisung doesn't give a damn about him romantically" Hyunjin responded

"Ookay" Minho breathed loudly "Well, he annoyed me, and he seemed SO close to Jisung it kind of made me mad" He rolled his eyes.

"So you took Hwa home ?" Hyunjin asked

"Nah, I went to his house... And bro..." He slammed his hand on his face shamefully.

"What ? Drop the tea" Hyunjin pressed

"We arrived at his like messily making out and all... I was so ready to bone him and just forget about whatever my mind wanted ... But as soon as we laid down, I just had a shit ton of flashes of Jisung... I think I drank too much that night" He whined

"And then what ?" Hyunjin asked with a chuckle

"Then I realized he wasn't Jisung, and like I had multiple emotions at once" He blinked, gulping to prepare himself for the shameful confession "First of all the mood drop, and my dick followed" He blinked more when Hyunjin laughed loudly "And then I just started crying like a fucking toddler, ugly crying, with hiccups and shit" He whined more.

"WAIT HOW DID HE REACT ?" Hyunjin asked, too much into the story

"He panicked, imagine getting all hot for a hook up and ending up trying to calm your partner because he's ugly sobbing" He shook his head "I hope I never cross his path again"

"This is too funny" He laughed more before sighing and laying his head on the headrest.

"I'm sorry, Hyun" Minho blurted out, more serious this time.

"I know you are" He turned his head to him "I'm still pissed at the act, but I get it. I wouldn't have been chill if I was in your shoes, and I understand why it happened..." He sighed "I just wish I could have spent my day with my bestie without unecessary stuff..."

"I'll be better, I promise" Minho smiled

"I trust you, it's okay" He smiled back.

"Did you open my present?"

"Bro, when did you think that offering me Seungmin's signed album was a good idea ?"

"I thought it was funny" Minho chuckled loudly "He was invested"

"I litteraly fuck him, I don't need to ask for a signed album"

"You were happy, weren't you ?"

"So fucking glad, best gift"

Back at the company, Jisung felt overpowered.

He couldn't stop the smile on his face, his cheeks even hurt.

The success of the album was phenomenal, not even after 24 hours. And after doubting so much, seeing their efforts being praised was the best feeling.

Like always, the managers had prepared a few cakes and some celebration. He firstly wondered how they found the budget for that, before understanding that Felix had spent most of his time baking for them, while Hyunjin decorated their studio.

"You're too good for us" Changbin praised as he gave a sweet kiss on Felix's cheek.

"I didn't do that alone" Felix grinned "Min helped me" He added, making the three boys unexpectedly widen their eyes.

"That's sweet of him" Chan smiled "Why didn't he come ?" 

"He said he was busy" Hyunjin responded

"Too bad he'll miss on the performance" Felix pouted

"It's okay, we already watched it this afternoon" Hyunjin snitched, trying to hide his smile at Jisung's gasp.

"M-Minho watched ?" Jisung asked, eyes widening.

"Bro, he called me to watch your performance" Hyunjin smirked

"Wow" He grinned "What did he say ?!" He asked excitedly, not caring about Chan and Changbin's teasing chuckles.

"I don't think I should snitch" Hyunjin said smugly.

"Oh, come on" Jisung pleaded

Hyunjin approached him, grabbing him and whispering at his ear.

After noticing the red blush coating his cheeks, the three boys looking at Jisung couldn't help but laugh loudly at his expression.

"I mean..." Jisung mumbled, shyly "I would let him"

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