Chapter 19

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"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU ?" Hyunjin yelled through the phone, as Minho put the phone slightly far away from his ear with a groan.

"I just woke up, slower" Minho muttered, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm seconds away of having aneurysm, fucking answer Lee Minho" He continued loudly "Why have you disappeared FOR TWO DAYS and now i see pictures of you AT THE AIRPORT ?? LUGAGE AND ALL ?" Hyunjin yelled

"Sorry" Minho muttered

"WHERE ARE YOU" He yelled

"Stop yelling" He heard Felix say, as he cracked into a smile.

"In Japan" He said, and they both stayed silent on the other side.

"What the fuck?" Hyunjin let out, dumbfounded

"Sorry" Minho muttered again

"Why do you keep on apologizing ?" Felix asked

Minho didn't answer.

"Are you not... coming back?" Hyunjin asked, voice trembling.

"Hyun..." Minho said with a sigh.

"You can't" Hyunjin firmly said, sounding in complete terror

"What do you mean?" Minho responded with an angry tone

"You have no rights doing th-" Hyunjin continued

"At this points Hyunjin, I'll do whatever I want" Minho cut off, now angered by his friends

"Minho... What Hyunjin is trying to say is that we don't trust you alone... We're scared y-" Felix tried to soothe, and it clicked in Minho's brain.

"I won't" He said

"And how are we suppose to know ?" Hyunjin responded, voice confessing his silent cries.

"Hyun... Lixie" He said, sighing loudly "I promise to you two with my entire being that I will not harm myself more"

"Why" Hyunjin asked, voice breaking

"I need... distance" He muttered

"But ... why not telling us?" Hyunjin pleaded to know

"You wouldn't have let me" Minho only responded

The two boys didn't respond, until Felix's hurt voice spoke once more.

"Are you coming back ?" 

Minho thought for a moment.

His mind shifted back to how Korea sounded like a nightmare for him, and he winced.

"No..." Hyunjin said, and Minho knew he was seconds away from sobbing

"I will" Minho responded

"Thank god" Felix let out in a breath

"But, I don't know when" Minho added, much to his friends dismay.

They didn't respond for a moment, until Minho decided to add a few things.

"I love you two, I will take care of me and come back stronger than ever, so you don't have to take care of the mess I am" He chuckled dryly "I'm eternally grateful of you two, and I apologize for all the problems I've been causing. You two have fun and dance well, I get back to kick your asses soon enough" Minho reassured

"Love you too" Felix responded, when Hyunjin didn't.

"Don't be pouty, Hyun" Minho teased

"Tell me those to my face" He responded, and Minho smiled.

When he hung up, he knew what will happen.

Felix will text him everyday to know news, and Hyunjin will not.

Hyunjin holds grudges, and must have been affected by Minho's decision.

But Minho isn't stupid, he knows his friend is like that because he cares.

And he won't deceive him more.

But he is going to deceive Felix by not answering his messages, and he does feel guilty about it.

Anyway, he was determined now.

Maybe the wind change directions, but now was another time, a new episode for Minho to write.

The picture of his wounds have gone viral, but for reasons Minho liked a bit more.

People, and mostly 3racha fans, started defending him.

They stated people had gone too far until the point Minho's life was at risk, so as soon as he downloaded his social media, he was shocked to see so many kind comments.

The medias posting it and spreading lies about him have been under a shitstorm for the last 24 hours, and Minho knew Hyunjin must have been behind it as well. They ended up being completely deleted, and that news made him smile more.

He was grateful things finally changed. But it didn't really matter anymore.

He still decided to switch off from his accounts, and create others. New ones, just like the new person he wanted to become.

Before switching accounts and phone number, he did one last thing.

He was grateful of Chan's and Changbin's message. They were both as cryptic they could, and sweet, but anyway, he liked it.

'This thing is digusting and we're fighting on our side for you. I'm sorry we can't show you much support, but trust me we are trying. Love you a lot, and I'll fix him for you. I hope you can heal from those horrible things.'

Chan had sent him.

Fighting for him? Can't show support ? Trying ?

Fix him ?

He spent too much time rereading his message. And Changbin's wasn't better.

'They'll regret this and we'll do our best to save the spot you deserve. Come back to us healthy and happy. Can't wait to see you again, your sudden disappearance isn't helping with his state... I hope you get better anyway. We miss you'

He wondered what they were doing, and why they needed to be so mysterious.

But this questions weren't made for his new principles.

Still determined to make a change, he ended with the last thing to do before erasing Minho 1.

He checked Jisung's messages.

And it did tightened a bit his heart when nothing could be seen, but it only fueled his motivation.

He won't let himself breakdown anymore.

Here comes Minho 2.

He wasn't worried about his flat back in Seoul. He had wrapped up enough money to buy it last year, so rent wasn't a problem.

The rent of his new japanese flat was a problem though, so he knew he had something to do first thing first.

Find a job.

A waiter ? okay. A dancer ? Would be better, but it'll start in children's classes.

A new life was waiting for Minho, and he gladly accepted it. Temporary or not, He'll take it.

Was it healthy ? Not really.

Will his pain resurface in the future ? Perhaps.

But for now on, he'll be a better person for himself. He'll change his life for some time, and come back when he knows he'll be able to take it.

Was it a good decision ? The best he could have.

He smiled to himself, before excitedly standing up.

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