Chapter 3

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The three friends started going to 3racha's hangouts almost every week.

And as fun as it was to meet other people, merge in the three artists private life and discover new friends, Minho was beyond happy.

He had the honor of seeing Jisung every weekend, as well as have thousands and thousands of talks with him. Every hangout ended up with the two of them sitting somewhere secluded, talking about everything and whatnot.

Minho's want of making a move was exponentially growing. Every time Jisung looked at him with those doe eyes of his, his pouty lips he really wanted to kiss, his gummy smile he wanted to cherished.

It become hard for Minho to hide those deeper feelings. But he didn't dare to make a move. In all honesty, he still felt a bit too "normal" to fit him.

"I think you're weird" Jisung said out of nowhere, staring at Minho with those eyes that could bring the entire universe to Minho

"Weird ?" Minho asked, tilting his head to the side

"It's a compliment" Jisung reassured "I like weird" He added with a soft chuckle

"You do ?" Minho asked, voice airy as he couldn't break their deep eye contact.

"Of course" He smiled "I wish I was weird too. You so unique, and I'm so... normal" 

"I like normal" Minho said in a whisper, slightly smiling to himself.

They got lost in each other's eyes for a moment, as Minho could feel his heart racing, and while Jisung started wondering why he felt so flustered from such a sentence.

Until Hyunjin broke their staring contest by showing Minho a video. Minho watched his phone, looking at a drunk Changbin breakdancing on the living room. He didn't give a single fuck about it in all honesty, he only really wanted to break Hyunjin's neck from interrupting their moment like that.

"I can't believe you did that" Minho said as they walked back.

"Bro! I didn't know you were having a moment !" Hyunjin defended

"It was so obvious though" Felix chuckled "They were silently staring at each other for minutes"

"Minutes ?" Minho asked, surprised it was that long

"Maybe you're starting to make him fall for you" Hyunjin teased "You're quite the charmer, it might work better than you think"

"I'm no charmer" Minho shrugged

"Bro you're handsome as hell, a fucking dancer and the cold attitude. You're the definition of charming" Felix nagged, pushing him softly

"Well, we'll see if it works" Shrugging again, acting as if it wasn't what he was hoping for.

Since Minho discovered who 3racha was, and most importantly Jisung, he had been following them through social media. He loved being aware of their most recent news, and found himself fanboying pretty hardly.

But since he met Jisung personally, his mind was just constantly brought to the younger. So much it fascinated him.

What he defined as a rootless crush over a celebrity had finally become a deeper feeling. One of admiration, affection, that grew more and more into love.

Naturally, he found himself staying for more hours in the practice room. He was supposed to stay there to work on some choregraphy, but speed up his work to have some more time for his creative process. So there he was, sitting on the floor of the room, listening to 3racha's latest song while he tried to visualize dance moves.

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