Chapter 36

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"How was your date last week?" Hyunjin asked with a smirk, sitting next to Minho as he gave him the beer he asked for.

"It wasn't a date" Minho rolled his eyes

"Eating together ? Discussing about personal matters ? Flirting around with wine ? Looks like a date to me" Hyunjin cockily responded

"We needed to... fix some things and had a friendly talk around food" Minho corrected "How do you know so much by the way ?" He frowned

"Ji is talkative when it's about you" He smirked at the older "And now you're here for their little party, so I guessed you two have fixed your petty argument"

"We did" He nodded "The situation is still kind of blurry"

"I mean, you rejected him, then told him you loved him, I can see the blur even with glasses on" Hyunjin taunted, before protecting himself as a punch was launched at him.

"Can't you stop hitting the boy ?" Chan asked with a chuckle as he approached the boys, sitting on the chair beside them.

"When he'll stop saying shit" Minho defended, huffing.

"You're a menace" Jisung joined in, chuckling at Minho's angry face.

"Hyunjin is the only menace here" Minho corrected, jokingly narrowing his eyes at him.

"I don't deserve all the punches though" Hyunjin pouted, searching comfort from the two people.

"You do" Minho barked back.

"Why does Felix never receive any ? Or Chan ? Or Changbin ? Or Jisung" He asked, sassily proving him wrong.

"I couldn't hit Felix, even if he burned my entire flat, he's too precious" Minho responded pretty seriously "Chan is the only older, so I somehow have to show respect. And Changbin, I'm pretty scared he'll choke me to death in those guns he has" He responded, making the boys laugh.

"And what about me ?" Jisung asked

"I've hit you before" He blurted out "Just not with violence purposes" He added, making Jisung slightly blush

"Ew" Hyunjin gagged

"TMI" Chan added, the same disgusted expression that Hyunjin wore

"Y'all too sensitive" Minho rolled his eyes

"Really" Jisung joined in the banter "As if they never had rough sex"

"Maybe we prefer vanilla" Chan defended

"Aren't you the one that wrote the lyrics of Red Lights ?" Minho accused, narrowing his eyes at the older "Vanilla, huh?" He teased

"Singing about being chained doesn't sound vanilla to me" Hyunjin snickered

"Red lights isn't explicitly about sex..." Chan defended

"Bro, we litterally wear collars on stage" Jisung taunted, and snickered when Chan looked flustered.

"You can't fool us Chan" Minho chuckled "You're as kinky than we are" 

"No need to be shameful, you'll feel better accepting it" Jisung continued, the two of them making Chan whine embarassingly.

"What are we talking about ?" Felix said as he joined on the couch, pulling Changbin with him.

"About how Minho and Jisung like rough sex" Hyunjin said, yelling when Minho hit his forehead once more.

"What ?" Changbin frowned

"Don't listen to him, he's stupid" Jisung corrected

"HEY!" Hyunjin yelled, throwing something at the boy.

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