Chapter 8

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"No wine today ?" Jisung joked, pulling the blanket over his body.

"Want some ?" Minho asked, as he put Jisung's plate on his lap

"No, I'm joking" He said, smiling and muttering a thanks as he grabbed the plate, making himself comfortable on the couch "I don't need to be bold anymore" He chuckled

"Right, you're bold enough" Minho teased, sitting beside him and shuffling closer.

"Why nuggets ?" Jisung asked curiously

"So it's not messy to eat on the couch" Minho responded, grabbing the remote and turning the TV on.

"What are we watching ?" He asked, his knee posing over Minho's one.

"I saw on one of your lives that you were into Chainsawman lately" Minho smirked

"I still can't believe you watch my lives" He whined "It's so embarassing"

"Nah, you're cute" Minho reassured "I like it very much"

"I hate you" He mumbled shamefully "But yeah, I'll go for Chainsaw man gladly"


He put the anime on, and they digged in, soundlessly eating while their mind were too immersed on the serie they liked a lot.

At some point, Jisung started pointing out theories and ideas about the storyline, and Minho followed, until the sound of the television only became background to their racing spirits.

Minho liked the setting pretty much, just like Jisung.

But what Minho liked more, was the fact that Jisung arrived at his flat with the decision of sleeping there. 

He didn't know what to expect, sex or not, but he loved the idea of falling asleep beside him, and waking up right after.

He still had no idea under what kind of spell Jisung had put him, but he could only be fucking glad he did, because he was the happiest human on Earth.

"How was work today ?" Minho asked softly, helping Jisung put his plate on the little table

"Hectic" Jisung sighed "We're nearing a comeback, so it's getting rushed" He pouted.

"Oh ?" He smiled "A comeback ?" 

"No, you won't listen beforehands" Jisung stated, chuckling at his fading smile

"I can't even use my boyfriend's privilege ?" Minho joked, and faked offense when Jisung rejected.

"By the way" Jisung said, more seriously "Don't be mad at me if I can't afford as much time as I used to when the comeback promotions start" He warned, anxiously.

"Of course not, Sung" Minho frowned "I have an idea of what it implies, I won't overstep" He reassured.

"You're too perfect" Jisung said, leaning closer and letting his head fall on his shoulder 

"I'll be glad to give you some company as well" Minho continued "Even if it means coming at your dorm at 2a.m" He smiled, holding his hand

"Okay" Jisung smiled to himself "And don't be too surprised if I knock at your door at 2a.m because I need cuddles" He chuckled

"I might get a little scared when I'll see a masked man enter my flat at such hour, but I'll cuddle you well" Minho joked, and chuckled when Jisung softly hit him.

"I'm so glad I met you" Jisung said, raising his head to stare at his handsome features

"Well, I'm glad you finally noticed me" Minho smiled back, his eyes already on him.

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