Self\Harm-Little sturniolo

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Recently I wasn't feeling the best and it sort of led me into hurting myself a little. I don't know why i did it, but i just did. I was in the bathroom and saw one of my razors.

I looked at it and then grabbed it. I took the razor, and i quickly just cut myself. It hurt, and there was a little bit of blood on my wrist. I cleaned the blood off, and got out of the bathroom going downstairs.

Nick was on the couch on his phone, Chris was sitting on one of the chairs that were in front of the kitchen island, And Matt was also sitting on the couch with Nick, on his phone. And mom was in the kitchen.

"Hey mom do you think you could buy me an another pack of razors?" I ask.

"yeah of course, but don't we have in the bathroom?" mom asked.

"I ran out." I say.

"So you ran out of 10 in one week?" mom said.

"Yeah." I say.

"Jeez you must be hairy." Chris says laughing.

"Shut up." I say.

"Ok I'll buy more." Mom said. I then walked over to the couch and sat down.

"What happened to your arm?" Matt asked. I just noticed that i was fully showing the cut i had made from the razor.

"Oh, I accidentally cut myself while shaving." I say.

"That bad?" Nick says looking at my arm.

"And why were you shaving right there?" Nick asked.

"Well hair grows on arms." I say.

"Yeah but it's like your wrist." Nick says.

"It was an accident Nick." I say.

I was starting to get worried, because I didn't want to let anyone know I cut myself sometimes. I then see my cut. starting to bleed more.

"I'll be right back!" I say rushing upstairs, I couldn't tell them, not with everyone in the room like that.

I went into the bathroom and grabbed some toilet paper, and dabbed it on the blood of my wrist. I feel like i wanna cry, It hurts It really does hurt, I think i might have cut a little too deep this time. I get out of the bathroom and got to the stairs to yell,

"Matt! Matt!"

"What!?" Matt shouts.

"Can you come here please!" I say.

"Yeah sure." I hear Matt get up. I start walking to the door of his room.

"Where are you?" Matt asked confused.

"I'm right here come." We both walk into Matts room.

"What did you need?" Matt asked looking at me.

"Come sit down on the bed." I say and we both sit.

"Matt I need to tell you something, and I feel like you're the only one I could tell this too." I say nervous not looking at him.

"What? What Is It?" Matt looks concerned. I showed him the cut I had. When i showed him, the cut had bled a little bit more.

"What happened? What did you do?" He asked.

"Well sometimes i just start cutting my self a little bit, like giving myself little cuts on the wrist." I say taking one quick glance at Matts face. He looked shocked and worried.

"Don't do that, you can really hurt yourself." Matt says grabbing my arm, and looking at the cut.

"You really do this often?" Matt asked.
"Yeah, I'm sorry." I say really trying not to cry, I didn't want to lie, I do it a lot.
"This one looks really bad, what did you do?" Matt ask.

"I used the razor to cut myself." I say softly. I then hug Matt a little tight.

"Please don't tell Matt, Chris, or anyone about this, please Matt." I say trying to tear up.

"I won't promise." Matt says.

"But if you ever need someone to talk to, just come to me ok?" Matt says.

We both pull away from each other.

"Come on, let's go downstairs!" I say getting off the bed, and running.

Matt made me stop cutting myself, and always tried to make me feel happy so i wouldn't end up doing it. I eventually told Nick, and Chris about what had been going on with me. Nicks reaction was as caring as Matt.
Nicks reaction:

"Don't tell me you still do that?" Nick asked concerned.

"No not anymore, I'm better now Nick." I say to him.

"Why would you do that to yourself?" He asked me.

"I don't know I just felt i needed to do it, I wanted to hurt myself." I explain to Nick. Nick comes over and gives me a hug.

"Don't do that again." He says pulling away.

"Ok promise." I say.

Chris's reaction was basically like Nicks.

Chris's reaction:
"Chris can i tell you something?" I ask.
"Yeah what?" Chris asked.

"Well i used to cut myself a lot." I say. Chris looks up at me from his phone.
"Why would you cut yourself." Chris asked.

"I think i just wanted to make myself feel pain." I explain to Chris.

"Well that's horrible, don't hurt yourself." Chris says.

"I don't anymore Chris, I just wanted to tell you." I say.

"How long ago did you stop?" Chris asked.

"Two weeks ago, Matt helped me to feel better and not cut." I explain to Chris.

"Only two weeks ago you stopped?" Chris asked.

"Yeah." I say.

"How bad did you do the cuts?" Chris asked me.

"Not to bad at first, But then i started going to deep." I say.

"Well don't do that anymore, you can get really hurt." He said giving me a quick hug.

"Thanks." I say.

So yeah I stopped giving myself little cuts, and moved on.

Hi, Ok so hope this chapter was alright, I write chapters at night and not during the day btw. Also thanks for the views! Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes. I will write another chapter tomorrow night, and you can request anything you want.

*Also quick little thing if you are going through something like this story, please know to stop, because cutting yourself is very bad and can get you hurt badly. You can speak or talk with someone to help you get over the need to harm yourself.*

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