Vacation-Little Sturniolo

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Nick filmed Chris making the weird laughing noise, and then we drove to this parking lot to park the car and explore.

"So we're at like a little downtown hangout spot right now or something I don't F*ckin know. Chris explains walking.

"We're gonna, adventure were in Hawaii, Were at like some fun street." Nick says holding the camera up to his face.

The sun was setting now but It was still light outside.

"Omg Is that boat sinking?" Chris asked. We all look up to see a boat tilting on the water.

"Oh wow." Nick says looking at the boat. Matt zooms the camera onto the boat.

"It's like a sideways boat." Matt says.

We start walking more, and we walk near this little shops place. When we walk closer there are colorful birds standing on sticks.

"Theirs millions of them." Matt says.

"They're hundreds of them!" Matt says.

"I'm not really scared of big birds like this." Nick says talking to the camera.

"Like this is not my fear-"

"Nick come on, tell me how that first bird isn't cool." Nate talks over Nick pointing to the first one.

"It's the small ones." Nick explains.

"Nick you looked ripped bro." Matt says pointing the camera at Nick.

"Matt stop it." Nick says with a disgusted face.

"You've been hitting the gym." Matt says laughing.

"You're in peoples way btw." Nick says pushing Matt.

"Am I?" Matt asked confused.

"Yeah." Nick continues to move Matt away from the people walking past.

Nick looks back at the camera.

"I thought you were." Nick mumbles.

"I don't know." Nick says.

We see this place that sells shaved ice, and we all wanted to try it.

"Oh my god, you guys have Churrose?" (correct me if i spelled that wrong) Chris said looking at the menu.

"No, we don't." The lady said.

"Ohhh." They all say in disappointment.

"That's ok, you have so many other options." Chris says.

"Where do you see watermelon?" Chris asked looking around at the screen of menus.

"Right there." Nick says pointing to one menu screen.

We continue to look at the menu for what we want to order, and Chris asked the lady what's her favorite shaved ice. She told him, and then said that there best seller was Tigers blood.

"We'll be back with our shaved ice and give them ratings." Nick explained to the camera.

We all got our shaved ice and were trying it outside.

"Shaved ice." Nick says pointing the camera to Matt.

"8." Matt says taking another spoon of it.

"8.9." Matt says.

"Word." Nick says turning the camera over to Chris and me.

"Chris." Nick says pointing the camera to him.

"I need- ." Chris chokes and coughs.

"Ok." Nick says turning the camera over to face me.

"Madi?" Nick asked.

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