Break up-Little sturniolo

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I was still really upset, my eyes were still watering. It was really late, It was 1:54. I was hoping to just sneak inside the house without anyone noticing.

"You sure you don't wanna just sleep at my house tonight?" Ali asked me. (reminder Ali's your bff)

"Yeah I'll be fine." I managed to say.

"What if they hear you?" Ali asked.

"I'll make sure they don't." I rub my eyes.

"Ok goodnight, good luck." Ali says as we're in front of my door. 

"Night." I say in a low tone so i don't make noise.

I then open the door trying not make a sound. But when i opened it, i found Matt and Chris standing near the door.

"Where have you been?" Matt asked.


"Do you know what time it is Madi?" I was cut off by Chris.

"It's 2:00 In the morning." Chris in the morning.

"Why do you look like you were crying." Matt asked.

"Were you crying?" Chris ask. I was crying a lot, but i really tried to cover it up.

I couldn't fight back the tears, and the big lump in my throat I walked to Matt's arms and started to cry. Matt was now just holding me. Chris starts rubbing my back.

"Madi, what happened? Why are you crying?" Chris asked.

"Remember (The guy's name) And how we were going out, and he told me he liked me?."

"Yeah." They both say.

"Me and Ali saw him making out with some girl." I explain, and start crying more.

"What's going on?" I hear a voice say, it was Nick.

"That guy that she said liked her, and were going out, was making out with another girl." Chris explains to Nick.

I pull away from Matts arms and I'm just standing there.

"Oh Madi." Nicks says giving me a hug.

"Are you ok Madi?" Chris asked.

"I don't know." I say.

"Come let's go sit on the couch." Nick says, and takes me to the couch. We both sit there.

"You know what Madi, Forget about that guy he doesn't deserve you." Nick says.

"Yeah." Chris agrees.

"Yeah you're right. I need to move on." I say, rubbing my watering eyes.

"You have to get some sleep It's 2:00am." Nick says.

"Alright." I agree. Nick takes me to my room, and i lay in my bed.

That guy was a waste cause, he didn't deserve me anyway. I guess it still hurts a little bit though. Nick sat on my bed.

"Anything else you wanna say?" Nick asked looking at me.

"Well when i saw it happen, It was just me and Ali going to eat, when we got out of the car and were in front of the place, I saw him kissing her, and kind of like making out with her at the same time." I explained.

"Then when i saw them, I couldn't believe. Ali took me to McDonalds, and we got ice cream, That's why we got home so late, because i was crying so much, and because she was trying to make me feel better. I explain again.

"Madi I'm really sorry that, that happened." Nick said.

"That guy clearly was not thinking straight." Nick said.

"I Just can't believe It. He was telling me all thees nice things about me, and then the next day i find him making out with some girl." I say feeling the lump on my throat again.

Tears fall down my fave again, I honestly didn't know why i was crying so much. I put my hand over my face. Nick came closer to me and hugged me. I stopped crying.

"Thanks Nick." I say.

"Are you sure your gonna he ok tonight?" Nick asked letting go of me.

"Yeah I'll be fine." I say.

"Ok goodnight." Nick says getting up to my door.

"Goodnight." I say as Nick shuts the door.

Nicks Pov:
When i heard the news about what had happened to Madi i felt so bad for her. Madi was out really late Me, Matt, and Chris were all so worried about her. At least we knew she wasn't alone. I was so tired, I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer so i ended up drifting off to sleep, while Matt and Chris stood up for Madi.
I got up because i heard crying and talking.
When Chris explained what happened to Madi, I gave her a hug because i could how hurt she was.

I bring Madi over to the couch, so i can have a small talk with her. This guy did not deserve Madi, especially because he was cheating on her with another girl. I can't believe how some people can just love someone this day, and then be making out with someone the next, It so stupid to me.

"You know what Madi, Forget about that guy he doesn't deserve you." I say.

"Yeah you're right. I need to move on." Madi says rubbing her watering eyes.

"You have to get some sleep It's 2:00am." I say to Madi.

She agrees with me, and i walk her upstairs to her room. I didn't wanna leave her just yet, i feel like she needed more sympathy or comfort.

"Madi I'm really sorry that, that happened." I apologized to Madi.

"That guy clearly was not thinking straight." I said.

"I Just can't believe It. He was telling me all thees nice things about me, and then the next day i find him making out with some girl." Madi says.

That how i could tell she wanted to tell someone the whole story.

Madi ended up telling me the whole story on how (The guy's name) Was caught making out with some other girl. I thought it was so messed up.

I met Matt, and Chris standing outside in the hall.

"Is she ok now?" Chris asked.

"Yeah she's not crying anymore." I explain.

"Are you sure she's ok, she was crying a lot." Matt questions.

"I think she's alright, she needs her rest. Just tomorrow don't mention it all, and try to make her feel more happy." I say to them.

I think if we just tried to make Madi happy she would be the same smiling, fun Madi that we all know.

"ok." They both agree.

"Goodnight guys." I say.

"Night." They both say.

I might not know anything about close relationships but I think i managed this problem very well. I hope Madi gets better, and recovers.  

Madi's Pov:
I knew i had to just let those feelings go, he liked someone else. Get over it. There are so many better, and more respectful guys out there. Why was I crying so much about this one guy. I don't think I would have stopped crying tonight If it weren't for my brothers. They made feel so much better, giving me all that comfort.
I'm finally ok. I close my eyes and drift off into a good deep sleep. I bet I was so tired from that day that i had had.

Hey everyone i hope this chapter Is good and long. I am gonna make another chapter tomorrow night and i think that chapter might be about like Madi having a crush on someone.  I'm thinking the Sturniolo's friend Nate, I don't know how, But I'm gonna try to make it work, so it might take me more than just a night to make a chapter, so if you don't see one tomorrow then you know why. Btw if you have any suggestions for imagines just comment them. Thanks for All the views. I'll see you next chapter byee!❤️❤️ 
*Also sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes*

Update um im not making a chapter tonight, but i will tomorrow promise.

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