The walk-Little Sturniolo

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I sneak out the door to find Nate.

"Nate?" I ask closing the door.

"I'm right here." Nate says.

"Alright let's go." I say walking ahead of Nate.

"Where are we going?" Nate asked catching up with me.

"On a walk." I say.

"So how have you been?" I ask Nate.

"I'm good, is everything alright with you." Nate asked turning his head to me.

"Yeah everything's fine, I mean I'm still trying to figure out a way on how to tell Chris about this thing, i mean this relationship-"

"Madi your stressing to much about it."

"No I'm not i'm just trying to tell Chris about this, I mean Matt already knew-"

"Matt already knew what?" Nate interrupted me.

"That i liked you, and Nick-"

"You liked me?!" Nate asked confused.

"Duh I wouldn't be here with you if i didn't." I say.

"I didn't know that." Nate says.

"Well yeah i did, anyway about Chris i-"

"Madi stop overthinking it."

"Nate how am i supposed to not overthink it I don't want this to be a secret."

"And it doesn't have to be a secret, we don't have to tell everyone right away we can wait until we're comfortable." At this point me and Nate had stopped walking and were just on the side of the street.

Nate was obviously right, i was being so dramatic and overthinking it.

"You know what, just forget it. Im being dramatic." I say turning to start walking again.

"You weren't being dramatic you were just overthinking about the situation." Nate says catching up with my walking.

"I don't wanna talk about this anymore i'm all stressed out now." I say walking aggressively ( if that makes sense) I sounded so stupid i just got all worked about telling Chris. I hated that i was overthinking about it though.

"So now you're upset?" Nate asked still walking with me.

"I'm not upset I'm just stressed." I stop walking i was looking around for a place to sit and i saw a bench up ahead. I walked over to the bench leaving Nate alone.

I sit down on the bench just thinking about how stupid i was acting and how dramatic i was being, i didn't know why i was acting like this.

Nate comes snd sits down on the other side of the bench next to me.

"Sorry." Nate says.

"It's not your fault i'm acting stupid."
I say.

"You're not acting stupid."

Me and Nate sit there in an awkward silence. (I'm writing this at 1:55 and i have to wake up 6:00 for an event)

Nate just takes my hand and starts rubbing it gently and then hold my hand up to give it a kiss. (I'm cringing but whatever it's cute i guess)

"Can we go home?" I ask.

"Yeah, but isn't everyone home?" Nate asked.


"I'll walk you back, come on." Nate says getting up from the bench. I get up too and we both start walking back to the house.

"Are you okay?" Nate asked holding on to my hand.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say.

We make it to the house and i just wanna run to my bed and sleep.

"Bye Nate." I say hugging him.

"Bye Madi." Nate says hugging me back.

I make it back inside and I see Chris sitting on one of the island chairs.

"Hey Madi where were you?" He asked turning over to me.

"I was um just on a walk." I say brushing off the question.

"By yourself?" Chris asked. He was drinking Pepsi.

"Yeah and now I'm gonna take a nap i'm really tired." I say before heading upstairs.

I make it to my room and got straight to my bed laying on my back facing the ceiling. Someone comes into my room, it was Nick.

"So, how did it go?" Nick asked closing my door and sitting on my bed.

"It was terrible." I mumble.

"How was it terrible? What happened?" Nick asked turning his head over to me.

"I was just acting stupid." I say.

"Why?" Nick asked.

"I was overthinking about telling Chris." I whisper incase Chris is near by.

"Madi it's ok." Nick says.

"No it's not i feel so guilty i was being dramatic, I just feel so dumb."

"I don't know why i'm acting like this-"

"Madi it's cause you're stressed." Nick talks over me.

"You're tired take a nap." Nick says getting up from my bed and out of my room.

I felt like crying, but i didn't wanna cry cause then i would feel sick, and i hated being sick.

I decided to text Nate cause i was feeling annoyed with myself.


Madi: Nate I'm sorry for acting so dumb today i'm really sorry i didn't mean too.

Nate: You weren't acting dumb you were just overthinking and stressed

Nate: Can we actually do something tomorrow?

Madi: Yeah sure

Nate: ok get some rest i know your tired bye

Madi: bye


GUYS IM REALLY SORRY. I know that i promised a longer chapter but i have an event that i have to wake up for at 6:00 so this is the best i could do plus where i live its 2:23 AM so I'm gonna be tired.

Also that's the form I'm going to make it while doing texting parts because it's just easier that way.

Thank you so much for all the views guys i really appreciate it a lot, it really does mean a lot me so thank you.

Also if you have any ideas or suggestions just let me know and i'll do them.

(Also sorry for and grammar/spelling mistakes i didn't proof read it yet)

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