part 43

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Madi's pov

I really love going to parties to just
dance to the music and have fun. I always dance a little when there is music playing.

Right now I'm actually dancing in the middle of random groups of people, at a house party, just dancing, with Ali of course.

Me and Ali were jumping around as some really good songs started to come on. Heres my outfit btw:

I kind of wish I would have picked lower shoes cause the ones I'm wearing are kind of heavy

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I kind of wish I would have picked lower shoes cause the ones I'm wearing are kind of heavy.

(So most of you wanted the Nate thing to come back so were gonna start fresh and new I feel like we need that so forget what you read like months ago were starting fresh and new I hope your ok with that👍)

Nates pov:

Me, Matt, and Chris were standing around and talking to some people at the party.

"Wheres Madi Chris?" Matt asked.

"Shes over there dancing around with Ali." Chris says.

I look turn my head to see Madi. She was smiling and laughing and dancing with crowds of people, I didn't understand how much confidents Madi had she looked like she didn't care and was having fun.

"Nate" Chris broke into my thoughts.

I sighed quickly looking away from Madi.

"You good Nate?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, Yeah, why?" I laughed it off, taking a sip of my drink, I took another quick glance back at Madi. I realized It would be kind of weird if I liked My friend's sister right?

"Oohhh" Matt said sarcastically "Nate has a little crush"

"I don't have a crush." I say making a face at Matt, I looked back at Chris.

He looked past me and at Madi who was still dancing "So Madi?" Chris said smirking at me (I kind of hate using smirking but WHATEVER!) "You guys would get along." Chris said then put his arm on my shoulder.

"Mhm." I say taking another sip from my drink and then glancing back at Madi.

I think I had been staring at Madi too long because she just looked back at me

Madi's pov:

As I was dancing and you know just doing my thing i couldn't help feel like I was being watched, or more so like someone was looking at me.

I slowly stopped jumping around with Ali and started looking around the room.

Then I saw him.

It was Nate? My brother's best friend. I've met Nate before since we're kids because my brothers are best friends with him, but why was he looking at me?

I'm not going to lie right now..

He's kind of, NO! No, no, no, no I can't. I can't like Nate. I cannot have a crush on my brother's best friend. But I think I might just have a small one maybe.

"What? Why'd we stop dancing?" Ali shouted over the music.

I pointed to the guy across the room
"Who's he?" Ali asked.

"No look!" I say trying not to make it obvious that I'm pointing to Nate.

She looked around until she saw I was pointing at Nate, and then looked at me with a smirk.

"Well" I said impatiently looking at Nate.

"So your brother's best friend?" Ali says.

I nod my head as I looked away from Ali and directly back at Nate, We locked eyes, but the eye contact didn't last long.

Nate's pov:

Me and Madi held eye contact for a whole minute before Chris snapped me out of it.

I had no clue what the conversation was about anymore, I felt bad I wasn't talking a lot but I couldn't help it. Madi practically had my full attention and I don't even know her that well only that she was my best friends little sister

I kept glancing back and fourth between Matt talking and her dancing.

Till I looked back at her and she was gone.


Hope you love it!! People wanted the Nate thing back so I decided to start fresh and new! Also credits to a person who wrote something similar to this it was kind of like a guide for me cause I suck at writing for most romance stuff👍

Another Part will prob come out tonight cause it's my last night to stay up late till Friday, cause my dumb school doesn't give us a whole week off😒

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