Comments pt.3/Soccer game- Little Sturniolo

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TW: Body negativity

At the game also it was in the afternoon getting close to dark:

Me and Ali were warming up for the game before it started. We weren't talking but then Ali broke the silence between us even though there was noise around us.

"Are you better now than yesterday?" Ali asked.

"What do you mean?" I ask acting like I didn't know what she was talking about.

"You know when you passed out when we were practicing yesterday." Ali informs me.

"I was just dizzy Ali but I'm fine now." I lie. I wasn't fine. This is the third day  I have gone without eating anything but I had to push through I was finally starting to lose some weight.

Ali's pov:

I know playing soccer can make you feel a bit lightheaded but not for you to just drop down on your knees to the floor like Madi did.

She wasn't telling me something and I could tell she wasn't.

"Madi what actually made you faint like that?" I ask looking straight at her.

"What do you mean I told you it was because we were playing soccer." Madi says taking a quick look at me and then continues stretching.

"We weren't even playing that much it was the first round we played together and you just fainted." I explain to her.

"Why did you faint like that tell me?!" I say. I guess I kind of said it louder because I was getting worried. Madi finally looks at me.

"Ok fine you wanna know the truth?!" Madi says. She walks over to me and stand right in front me.

"You can't tell anyone." Madi explains. What did she mean? Was she on something?

"I haven't eaten In three days." Madi says to me.

"Why?" I ask.

"Ali look at me! I got huge thighs, and I'm overweight!" Madi says being a little bit louder.

"Pinky swear you won't tell." Madi says holding out her pinky.

"Madi I can't pinky swear we got to tell someone." I explain.

"Ali don't I'll eat something just don't say anything!" Madi says. I couldn't do that to Madi so I accepted.

"Fine." I say holding out my pinky. We interlock our pinky's and our coach blows his whistle. That means the game is gonna start.

Madi's Pov:

I can't believe I had just told Ali but she pinky swore she wouldn't tell so I'll be fine.

During the game I was getting a little bit dizzy and I couldn't tell if I was running fast enough to make it seem like nothing wrong with me or not.

I was trying my best but I started to get really light headed. All the lights around the field, everyone running, the cheering from the bleachers everything was happening so quick my head started spinning.

I cut myself out of it and continued to play. I assumed we went to go talk to our coach cause Ali pulled on me and brought me over to the coach with the rest of our team.

"Madi what are you doing out there!" Coach yells at me. So maybe I was running a bit slow.

"I-I'm sorry coach." I apologize.

"You need to run faster you're a turtle out there!" Coach scolds me again.

"Ali make sure you stay on defense!" Coach says.

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