the spare

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this one's quite short but they will get longer :)


Thor sat next to his younger brother in the royal gardens, which were painted white in a thick layer of winter snow. His body looked large compared to Loki's, who sat on the iced steps reading a short novel, "A Christmas Carol," gifted from his mother for Christmas.
Thor stood tall, his voice echoing off the castle walls as he bellowed confidently.

"Brother, I am worthy! I will be king before next year. This is the biggest thing that has ever happened to me. I was born to be a king!"

He shouts excitedly. Thor got to try and lift the hammer on Christmas Day, and to everyone's surprise, he lifted it with little struggle, he hasn't been quiet about it since, much to Loki's delight.

"Brother, you know what this means, right!?"

"Yes, Thor, you've made it quite obvious!"

Loki snaps, standing up and walking over to the newly cut rose bush, his book slamming shut.


Thor says gently. Loki ignores him, cutting off some fresh roses from the bush with a large gardening tool.

"Brother, why won't you..."

"I am fed up with being the spare Thor! I'm am nothing but it!"

Loki suddenly gasps, his hands shakey as he drops the gardening scissors on the floor into the snow.
Thor looks up at his brother's pale face and sits on the steps Loki was once on.

"Nothing more?"

Thor says as a genuine question. Loki hums in response.

"But you are so much more? You're a Prince... A Prince with magic as powerful as the all-mother. Loki, you're my little brother, nothing close to just a spare."

Thor says, taking his brothers' slim arms with his large hands

"I'm sorry if I've been rubbing it in your face Loki... I-"

Thor stutters anxiously as he realises how much he's gone on about it the last week, he takes Loki into a tight embrace, teasingly ruffling his hair before letting go of his slim body.

"I'm happy for you."

Loki says quietly, looking up at his older brother, who looks back down with a bright smile on his face.

"However we best be going to the Winter Ball... it begins in 2 hours."

Lokis's voice is shakey as the harsh breeze crawls up his spine.

"I'll see you later little brother."

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