really - here - in public?

218 6 42


smut (mlm)
not too descriptive I don't think
almost getting caught.

authors note:
not reading this chapter will not affect the rest of the story and it had little importance, just something I've been begged to write so here you go I guess?

if you know me (rosie) no you don't.
if you love me (rosie) don't read this chapter

I've never written anything like this before so expect nothing amazing

good luck-


He unbuttoned my shirt eagerly, keeping me pinned against the wall and he pulled the shirt off my shoulders, letting it fall onto the cobble floor.

"Fandral - I - We-"

"shh, darling-"
He whispered, kissing up my stomach, and back onto my neck, leaving a mark that would be there for a few weeks after, as usual.

his hands ran through my hair, his lips finding mine again, kissing me desperately.
He hummed into it, wrapping his arms behind my neck.

"you're so fucking perfect"
he said breathlessly.

All I could get out was a quiet sigh, breathing between the kiss as he pushed it further.


"mhm, love?"
he muttered.
before I had a chance to finish my sentence my words were caught in my throat with a gasp, feeling his hands grab onto my belt, unbuckling it quickly.

"really - here- in public"

"a little risk has never been a problem for you before mischief?"
He chuckled, pulling at my trousers as they fell next to my shirt.

"well I - as a p-prince"
I felt a tug at my boxers, hitching my breath.

"has to keep - a reputation"

He pauses, looking up at me from the floor, I bit my lip watching him kneeling on the floor in front of me.

"If you want me to stop you know the words my love"
he said, concern written in his voice.

"fucking hell Fandral."
I groaned, grabbing onto his hair.

"I'll take that as consent"
He smiled, pulling down my boxers.


His chuckle told me I had no word about what he was going to do next.
His hand moved up my thigh, squeezing it roughly.

"Fandral, please..."

I whisper, tugging roughly with the hand that was still tangled in his hair, my other hand flying to my mouth as a distance chatter came from the door beside us.
I feel his lips wrap around me and I moan softly.

"Be a good boy and stay quiet for me"
He groans, taking in the entire length, as he's done before, effortlessly.
I nod, my hand scratching my cheeks as I push it harder around my lips, it becomes more of a challenge to keep myself quiet, the talking gets louder, and his movements get faster.

I groan quietly.
He hums around my cock in reply, causing me to arch against the wall, my hand trying to grasp onto the frostbitten stone.

I whimper.

"Fandral.. christ"

the noises only make him go faster, his hands finding my hips as I tug on his hair, pushing his head harder onto myself.

The voices are now in the same room as us, I close my eyes anxiously. Fandral and I both knew who it was.
Sif and Volstagg.

"fandral fuck... we need to go."
I said while moaning quickly, involuntarily thrusting forward, lost in the pleasure he was giving me.

"almost there"
He smirks.

I can't even get my words out.

"that's it..."
He groans against me.


Sif goes silent, they both do, and just as they walk round the corner curiously fandral pushes the door behind us open, causing us to both fall back into the guest room.
I use my magic to lock the door and silence the thud of our bodies hitting the floor,
The only evidence left was my clothes that lay on the corridor floor.

I lean against the door exhaustedly, letting out a sigh of relief as Sif leaves the hallway, shaking my head as I hear Fandral's soft laughter.

He says, passing me some clothes he had just got from the closet, they were sleeping clothes.

"the party's still young"
I mutter tiredly.

"you're absolutely spent my love, let's get you cleaned up and we can just stay and watch a movie for the rest of the night, you need some sleep."
He says, brushing away the hair that stuck to my sweaty face.

I replied tiredly, letting him help me up into the bed beside us.



As I said I have NEVER written anything like this so yes it's absolute shit.

I never thought they'd be a chapter like this but it will keep you all quiet now.

your welcome 😭

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