young maiden

295 18 19

Loki walked through the long corridor of chambers, down to his own, his lips dry and swollen. He heard the creak of a door and froze in his path, only to see a small, blond woman walk out of his brother's chambers, in nothing but a pink nightgown and white, fluffy slippers. Once she met eye contact with Loki she froze still just as he did, then walked past him with a disgusted look on her face.
"You're the one who came out of the prince's, my brother's, chambers"
Loki mumbles.

"I beg your pardon!"
The woman gasps.

"A god doesn't beg."
Loki says with a smirk.

"You're a pathetic excuse for a god, you're a useless last resort to the throne!"

Loki stopped walking again.
"Watch your lip, I'll tell the whole of Asgard whose chambers you walked out of tonight, that a maid decided to sleep with the Prince of Asgard. I could get you fired."
He says sternly
The woman scoffs and walks down the pathway into the maid's room.

Loki pushes open his heavy doors and lets them slam shut behind him, he then clicks his fingers and a golden light shimmers around him, leaving him clothed in green silk pyjamas other than his Asgardian leathers. He slips into his bed, taking the book off his nightstand his mother had brought him during the day, he assumed anyhow, and began to read the blurb.

There's a knock at his chamber doors.

He questions sternly.

Fandral stutters behind the doors and Loki smiles gently to himself, with a flick of his hands the doors open to let Fandral in, then close behind him.

Loki stares at him expectantly.

"Can't sleep"
he mumbles tiredly, his eyes lightening up as Loki pats the bed. Loki's stomach fills with butterflies as Fandral lays against his side tiredly, draping a blanket over his slightly shorter frame.
"May I lock the door... it wouldn't be the best experience if one were to walk in"
Loki chuckles softly and Fandral nods against his chest.
Loki's hands begin to run through his blond, messy hair as he reads the book aloud.

Hours passed and Loki closed the book, placing it on the side he found it on and getting more into his blankets, wrapping his arms around Fandral's waist and pulling him in tighter, kissing the top of his head.
Fandral let out a tired, quiet mumble.
"Loki are we..." he clears his throat nervously, "courting?"
Loki hums gently, his fingers still running through his lover's blond hair.
"if you'd like that.." He says gently, and Fandral nods.
"I'd love that." He says, nodding off to sleep in Loki's arms.


My cast of Young Fandral is Young Leonardo btw because I feel like it fits (Wattpad won't let me add a photo for some reason)

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