love game

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The Asgardian Dance. A night of music, dancing and tonight, teasing. 

The tension between Loki an Fandral haunted the castles, they were still together, but were rarely caught talking to one another.

A "break" one would call it. But the tautness was getting petty.

A Dance or a "Love Game". Altogether a night to be remembered. 


The night grew later and the sound of the bass shook the castles floors. Music filled the streets of Asgard as the fortress illuminated the night sky, fireworks being set off to mark every hour.

The doors were convivially open to all as people walked through in gorgeous gowns of silk and leathers, hand in hand with a lover or a friend. Heels tapped against the marble and stone floors and laughter overlapped the music that continuously played.

The last classical song was about to play before Odin introduced more "modern Midgardian music" which was muchly preferred amongst the younger of Asgard.

"Gymnopédie No. 1"

A famous melody, one of Loki's mothers favourites, that played the night Loki and Fandral properly met.

When they sat drunk in the corner of the ballroom during the spring ball with their hands all over one another. 

Now they were stood beside one another awkwardly at the throne, watching the lovers rock in each others arms, swaying side to side as the sound of the violin calmed the atmosphere. 

Loki glanced in Fandral's direction, the blond was stood tall and confidently, his hair combed, his beard trimmed, and his eyes glowing in the light of the chandeliers. He couldn't help but love him, no matter how mad he was, Fandral was always seen as his in Loki's  mind.

"what are you staring at Loki"

Fandral mumbles.

"my boyfriend."

he replies, some what confidently.

"the one you che-"

Loki shivered at the memory.

"if you're going to be petty just don't speak to me, last time I recall you kissed Amoura not even a day after you found out I was... I..."

Loki says sternly, but his words wandering as he worries.

"You what?"

"you know damn well"

Loki replies uncomfortably.

"cheated on me"

"I didn't want her on me"

Loki whispers harshly.

Fandral just looks Loki up and down almost sympathetically, before walking over.

"I'm trying to believe you Loki, its just so hard to."

Loki just nods, biting his lip to restrain any emotion, jumping a little when he feels Fandral's hand on his shoulder.

"It still wouldn't be the same, after Amoura I..."

"I understand Fandral."

Loki says, however the undertone of his words comes across aggravatedly.

"you're pissed with me."

Fandral says.

"nice observation"

Loki replies sarcastically, as usual.

shattered : loki's storyWhere stories live. Discover now