the library

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Loki felt guilty, he wasn't too sure why but he knew he could've kept his voice down and been less irritating about the entire situation. His throat felt tight as he burst through the library doors, already feeling a sense of calmness as the quiet room embraced him.

A familiar figure was sitting on the window bed, huddled in a blanket with a large book in his small, tanned hands. His hair was messy, not brushed as the colours of blond and light brown intertwined with each other. His eyes scanned the page, now and then smiling or frowning slightly, clearly completely immersed in the story. The slim boy was wearing thick leather boots, they looked big on him, and they looked identical to Lokis boots.

Fandral let out a light chuckle as he read a page, bringing his legs closer to his chest as he curled against the cold window before looking up to see Loki's pale, tall form watching him, his head tilted seeing the distress painted on Lokis features, his fingers where tapping against his hip, hands shaking slightly, his eyes didn't focus for a second, he was constantly looking around the room, the smallest sound alerting him, however when his eyes met with his lover's his shoulders relaxed, immediately falling lower, and a smile played at the end of his crimson lips.

Fandral scurried out of the blankets he piled himself in, wrapping his arms around Loki's waist, looking up and kissing his cold lips.
Loki let out a playful gasp, looking down at Fandral's shoes

"You're wearing my boots," he says gently, doing up the zip on the side of them.
Fandral just nodded
"They're like the comfiest shoes you could wear"
Loki smiles and kisses the top of his head.
"They're huge on you"
Loki says ruffling his already messy hair.
"I like them" Fandral says with a sweet smile on his face, tapping his heels together.

"Somethings bothering you?"
Fandral begins, brushing the stray hairs out of Lokis's face, he simply shakes his head, going over to a large, dusty bookshelf, taking a book from the highest shelf
"I'm fine," Loki says with almost no emotion in his shakey voice.
Fandral bites his tongue
"No family problems or anything?"
He says bouncing anxiously on the tip of his toes.

"I was teasing Thor early this morning, I pushed it too far and.."

He looks up at Loki with sympathetic eyes "And what Loki?"

"Sif.. found something out.. he couldn't have kept it from her but... I shouldn't have been the one to say anything."
Loki's voice trails off, guilt haunting his every word, Fandral's eyebrows raise
"He was dating Sif!?"
Loki nods in response
"He was sneaking around with this blond maid behind her back though, Amoura I'm sure her name is."
Loki says softly.

Finally understanding the entire situation the blond nods.

"I don't see what you've done wrong?"
He says with pure honesty

"I completely messed it up for them! I don't know how to keep my mouth shut."

"Yes but Thor cheated on Sif, that is nothing close to your fault..."

Loki shrugs "I didn't have a right to say about it all"

"But you did Loki, you're his brother and you didn't even know Sif was there."

Loki just hums, clearly not wanting to speak about the situation anymore, Fandral takes his hands to stop them from shaking and sits beside Loki on the window bed.
Fandral goes back to how he was before, however, this time Loki is lying between his legs, asleep against his chest as Fandral braids his dark curls.

The bells ring for 5 pm, supper being called as the maids walk through the halls with plates of food. Loki jolts awake, sitting up against his lover's chest, and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
Fandral groans awake...
"Norns we were asleep for hours"
He wines as he stretches out his arms, then wrapping them over Loki's shoulders and pulling him in for a kiss.
"I'm assuming suppers ready"
Loki chuckles lightly, wincing at the continuous loud ringing of the bells.
He got up from the bed and stumbled slightly, still half asleep, he put his book on his desk that his mother got for him in the library and then yawned tiredly.
"Come on we'll be late" Fandral says tapping Loki along, before they arrive at the hall Loki takes a different turning
"Where are you going?" Fandral whispers in a confused tone
"We can't turn up late and together, people will talk"
he replies with a grin.


shattered : loki's storyWhere stories live. Discover now