history hates lovers

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Lokis POV

Fandral went into the training room before breakfast, so arrived late to the table. The room was settled in an awkward silence as the maids served the food on the golden plates that lay out in front of us.
I was absolutely exhausted, every part of my body ached, I had no clue what was wrong with me but I just brushed it off as sleeping pains.
Breakfast was served alongside
some new cutlery, and people had their full attention on their meal.
I wasn't too hungry, I just sat playing with my food as everyone around me spoke on and on about politics and royalty, however, that attention
was quick to wander off as Fandral walked through the large wooden doors in a green woollen jumper.
In my green jumper.

Frigga choked slightly on her food and volstags juice was almost all over the table.

I sat completely still, watching him back out of the doors slowly, before quickly turning to sprint down the corridors.
My face was painted red, I could feel the burn of it in my cheeks.

Volstags and Hogun's eyes never left me for the rest of the breakfast, i couldn't tell if their stares were judgemental or just shocked, but they were unsettling.

By the time the table was cleared everyone had gone of to the training room, I stood anxiously at the door which pushed me with the cold draft that crept through the cracks, my hands shaking as it gripped onto the handle.

"Come on mischief what's with the hesitation"
I heard Volstag's voice call.

With that, I twisted the handle and stepped into the familiar room, thor was lifting weights in the corner with Sif, Hogun was on the treadmill and, Fandral, was sitting on the balcony reading his book.
My book?

Volstags was standing in front of me, glaring down.

"congratulations friend!"
He bellowed, lifting my small frame in his large arms.

"Now I had not at all seen it coming.."
he begins awkwardly

"but I do wish you both the best"
He smiled, patting me on the head 'gently'

I was shocked I wasn't mocked or questioned, not even one small comment.

"oh don't be so surprised Loki we all knew something was going on between you both"
Hogun laughed after jumping off the treadmill, patting his forehead with a cold, wet cloth.

I stuttered

"Both late to the table, him running off to save his damsel in distress the second you didn't show up to training, the little braid in his hair, which we all noticed by the way"
Sif smirked from the other corner of the room

"it was in plain sight."

I just smiled, glad that it was at least accepted, in one way or another.
Maybe history didn't hate lover's that much..


Sorry for the bad and small posts at the moment I have been so so busy with school x

I've made a tiktok account mainly for this book so if you want headcanons, updates and more go follow it :)

my main: lokisrealpurpose

my book account: hisgloriouspurpose

thank youuu <333


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