morning sleepyhead

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The golden light of the sun casts a bright gradient across the large bedroom. Loki and Fandral tangled around each other underneath the blankets and pillows.

"Morning, my darling," Fandral mumbled as he gently roused his boy.

Loki groaned tiredly, rolling over and wrapping his arms around his lover's waist, his eyes flickering open to admire them above him.

"Did you sleep well?" Fandral asked softly, brushing the dark curls out of Loki's face.

Loki let out a tired groan, nuzzling into Fandral's chest. Fandral couldn't help but chuckle softly, his fingers gently tracing circles on Loki's back.

"Should I take that as a yes?" he asked playfully, a warm smile spreading across his face.

"Mm," Loki mumbled, his voice filled with sleepiness.


"Mmhmmmm," Loki replied, his words barely audible.

Fandral found himself smiling even wider, feeling a surge of affection for his boy as he lay peacefully in his arms. His gaze drifted to the scattered clothes on the wooden floor, a silent reminder of the moments they shared.

"Come on now, dove. We gotta get up," Fandral said, tugging at the covers, only to have Loki cling onto them.

"Ngh, sleep," Loki mumbled, his voice filled with a longing for more rest.

As he protests with small mummers he gets scooped up into his lover's arms and sat at the end of the bed.

Loki groans

"That's not what you were saying last night"
the blond replies teasingly, watching Loki's cheeks flush red as he picks out their clothing for the day.

he hums, laying back down on the bed.

"Loki get up"

"not today"

"Loki seriously"


"You're clothes are here"
Fandral says chucking Lokis clothes onto him, laughing as he sits up irritatedly
"Go have a shower and I'll clean the bedding"

He gets up, dragging himself over to the bathroom, closing the door behind himself. Fandral starts stripping the bedding, tossing it in the laundry basket, and grabbing fresh sheets from the drawers.

Suddenly, there's a loud thud from the shower room.

"I'm... alright!" Loki shouts.

Confused, Fandral asks, "What happened, love?"

"I fell asleep in the shower," Loki mumbles. The sound of the water stops, and the shower doors slide open.

Shaking his head, Fandral knocks before entering. He finds Loki wrapped in a towel, washing his face at the sink.

"You've hurt your arm, sweetheart," Fandral points out.

Fandral chuckles softly as he applies a healing cream to his lover's injury.

"Why are you so exhausted, my love?" Fandral asks with concern.

"You," Loki replies nonchalantly, a playful glint in his eyes.

Fandral's eyes widen as Loki snaps his fingers, a golden glow changing them both into day clothing.

Fandral was put in one of Loki's jumpers.

"Such a romantic"
He teases as he kisses Loki's nose, which goes bright red again.

"We best get down for breakfast my dear."
He whispers into Fandrals ear, kissing his neck gently.



I'm gunna be making a tiktok account soon dedicated to this book!
I am so glad how many people are enjoying this!

Sorry for not posting in ages I have started school again after Christmas and it's been so exhausting and there is so much work.
I will be trying to upload more this week though!

Thank you, love you allll <3

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