i need my loki back

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I stumbled quickly down the walkway, checking every room Loki may be in.
The library was empty, The Gardens were empty, and he wasn't even in his bedroom.
My heart dropped to my stomach as I couldn't find Loki anywhere, where else could he be?
I ran through the throne room, the ballroom, the dining room, past Frigga's and even Odins.
He was nowhere.
I was about to call his name in defeat until I heard faint coughing from around the corner, rushing over to find my Loki sitting on the Balcony floor reading an old Novel.
His back was pressed against the railings, iced in a thick layer of frost.

I ask, Loki jumps but smiles softly as he looks up to meet my gaze.

I walk over, sitting beside him and resting my head on his shoulder. I slip my hands into his, intertwining our fingers as I gently brush his palm with my thumb.

"What are you reading?"
I say softly.

"just an old story my mother used to read me"
he replies, resting his head on mine.

"Oh? What's it about?"

Loki shrugs "I'm looking at the illustrations, it's a mythology book. "Song of Achilles"
Loki says as he brushes his fingers through my hair.

"you're talking more today," I say with a gentle smile, looking up at him.

He simply nods in reply.
Something still doesn't feel right.

I mutter.


"Roll up your sleeve"
I say without a second thought, however expecting Lokis' defensive reaction.

"w..what? why would you ask me to do that?"
He says as he pulls away slightly from me.
My stomach knots.

I say sternly but with no anger in my tone.

He shakes his head repetitively, moving further away from me.

"I told you to come to me."

"It's not that easy to do."
He spits back.

"Loki my love.. I'm not angered, I'm not disappointed... I just don't want you to be hurt."
I say with all honesty.

He doesn't reply to me, looking away at the sun that is burning on the horizon.

"I need my Loki back"
I whisper, loud enough for him to hear.

He sits more slouched, chewing on his nail and his leg bouncing nervously.

I stood up, giving him some space.

"I'm going to the Libary.."
I say softly.

"Care to join?"
I ask.

He shakes his head slowly and I nod dissapointedly.

"You know where to find me."

I shrug my shoulders and walk over to the library, my worry only growing for my boy.

shattered : loki's storyWhere stories live. Discover now